When we are inside our house, shut the door, draw the curtains so the neighbors do not see us and we are extremely jealous of our privacy. If a friend visits us can teach you the family photo album, but certainly would be willing to give some of those pictures for him to teach the street. We protest against junk mail we receive, we protest if someone photograph or record without our consent and ride a nice mess if someone placed a photo or an open letter on the bulletin board of the residents.
In the same measure, in our work we keep the same habits privacy or intimacy, and only with a colleague / friend to share personal items. It bothers us to see things we have in our office or desk and cabrearía us much more than someone agree to our e-mail . In this case, if occurs, until we are ready to defendants against that person or company that has dared to access it as intimate and personal.
But what happens when we move into social networking? What nonsense!. Within the social networks we operate as genuine exhibitionists . Add more and more friends, which in most cases not even know personally . We hang all types of photos, we have our life in installments, we criticize our businesses, we put on our wall comments unfortunate and not even care about properly configuring our privacy options. And of course, what happens happens. And what happens?.
Well it happens that one day I really wanted to go a short week the snow with friends, but I had a lot of work in the company. So, as there was no question of leaving alone friends, I went the doctor to ask down and problem solved. After each session of skiing in the hotel I connected to the laptop and Facebook Wall commented on the day of skiing and the great shape he had. How nice! What a week so fantastic snow !!... At issue is that on Monday, when I joined the work, I was told to go to see the head of human resources. dismissal ipso facto and Inem tail.
also happens that a good I hung several days vacation photos had happened in Palma and highlighted including one in which my wife looked in her splendid bikini palm. Someone got that picture and stared. I do not know the reasons, but that someone decided to do a putadita . Some days later, the windshield of every car parked on the street adjacent to where I live, there appeared a very well prepared leaflets that appeared in the photo of my wife in bikini and the following text: "MATURE . Discreet, educated and spirited. Looking for casual sex. No charge. Call me at tf. xxxxxxxx. I hope so. " The phone was mine. You can imagine the embarrassment. Lodged a complaint at the police station, but to this day. Unable to find the perpetrator of a crime.
Or gual i already commented in a previous post, it happens that a young man with a great curriculum and great business skills, was excluded after being a finalist in a selection process, because of all the negatives he had left traces on the network. It also happens that a young man that friends made a recording telling you how a girl had jilted him and then became very popular on YouTube with more than three million hits. The video is titled "you do not. Critter."
Or what happened to a policy known Asturian waiting for the plane to return to Oviedo, decided to join Facebook using the airport wireless network. As this network was unprotected and your laptop too, another user input in your profile, supplanted his personality and wrote something like this: I'm so hot and when I get home I hope that a volunteer take a polvete anyone willing?.
Gentlemen, it is not telling. That what story are real events that occurred as a result of lack of interest in preserving we our privacy in social networks. As I said before, we're a real contradiction. On the one hand fiercely defend our privacy in our home and in the company where we work and another appears in Facebook and similar behaving as genuine exhibitionists .
Ufffs . how complicated we are. No one understands us.
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