Back in the month of July I wrote a post titled " care virtual reputation" in which he said that Human Resources departments of many companies were using the network to find personal information about candidates they have in the selection process to fill certain jobs and therefore not should be surprised that many will be discarded, despite its good resume.
Today I met a case which fully confirms what I said in that post. This is a young sales engineer who after going through two companies to reap commercial success, was signed by a large multinational. After a year working with big business capabilities in this great enterprise, said he was very stressed and decided to leave it by a dismissal agreement. Wanted to take a breath and reflect.
In this period of reflection made several trips of adventure, opened a blog and began to move by Facebook and Tuenti. In his blog, while commenting on their travel adventure stories, writing about ideas that occurred to him to set up business (it seemed all a budding entrepreneur.) Similarly, in social networks appeared very often commenting and verse, the binge that had been with friends who had been partying until dawn yesterday, the desire he had to bind to a girl, etc.etc. (All enlivened with interesting photos.) In short, the network was leaving a virtual trail seems to imply that it is an adventurous, up for some action, fun and entrepreneurial.
When he would stop running, decides to move to find a new job. The economic situation is very difficult and that makes it very difficult job search, but he is very confident in your abilities, have contacts, and you're sure you'll soon find something. Spend six months! Ufffs finally has a positive job interview. It has a good professional curriculum, advances in the selection process, was a finalist. Almost and is working again.
But when he was just waiting to be called to formalize the employment contract, the call received is quite another. The HR department of the company calls you and tells you that your application has been rejected. When asked about the reasons there for not having the laconically say to him: We found plenty of information about you online and consider you a person who is unstable and unreliable for us. What happened?. Quite simply that a good resume and good commercial skills, have gone to hell by the careless traces are left by the network.
that we care, we are cautious about what we say and do in the network, seek to trace positive, and weigh what we need, before we launch into that impulse to say and do stupid thinking that we're only in the circle of cronies . Internet is clear and everything looks.
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