The Texas Holdem is a game where they test many facets of the human condition, and one of them is the knowledge of the probabilities of events: their understanding and comprehension. The basis of probabilities is the combination, and when the number of events reached exorbitant figures, hand calculations become unviable and have to use mathematical formulas to numbers combinatorial. In this article we begin a series covering some of the most common and I hope the reader will serve to improve understanding of the formulas that reside on the probabilities used in their daily work. I've subtitled 1 N because I do not know how many are (I hope that N tends to infinity as soon as possible.)
Let's start with one of the easiest and most common: the probability of receiving a pocket pair in our hole cards (22 to AA, or you say 22 +). Laplace probability defined as " number of favorable / number of possible events." So calculate both.
number of possible events. There are 52 letters, and we have to see how many ways can we arrange them 2 by 2. The formula is well known: M on N (M combinations without repetition of elements from N to N) and is calculated as M! / (MN)! N! (Where the admiration is not a literary symbol, but the calculation of the factorial of a number). So the combinatorial number 52 on 2 would be:
C52, 2 = 1326
That is, we sort of 1326 different ways 52 cards (the order does not affect the result if not would not repeat variations). Well, we already have the number of possible cases.
number of favorable cases. A king (a K), for example, has 3 names: pica, heart, diamond and clover, so they are 4 different people from the point of view of combinatorics. They are cousin-brothers, but are not the same person. How many ways can be paired with each other kings? Assuming that respects hemophilia and that incest is not a crime, we need to order 4 items from 2 in 2 (remember, 2 hole cards). Thus:
C4, 2 = 6
different combinations. Of course, these are just ways of intercourse del Rey, but there are 13 possible pairs in total (22.33 ... KK, AA), so
6x13 = 78
different combinations of hole cards that give us a pocket pair. So applying Laplace
78/1326 = 5.88%
ie each received a 17 hands pp. If we know the probability of hitting a particular, such as AA, with only 6 cases favorable:
6 / 1326 = 0.45%
1 of every 221 hands.
And if for some ground-sidereal astrology-hypnotic-eclectic-chirripitifláutico mecagoenelcicloreproductivodelmejillóncebra want to know what the probability of receiving a pair of 88 or higher?
for as are 7 couples (88 ... AA) will have 7x6 = 42 favorable cases:
42/1326 = 3.17% 1 every 32
Well, that's all for today. I leave a link to the Wikipedia (shame, I referencing wikipedia, what a shame ...) so that you do not make a lot of poker at least take a little culture.
Let's start with one of the easiest and most common: the probability of receiving a pocket pair in our hole cards (22 to AA, or you say 22 +). Laplace probability defined as " number of favorable / number of possible events." So calculate both.
number of possible events. There are 52 letters, and we have to see how many ways can we arrange them 2 by 2. The formula is well known: M on N (M combinations without repetition of elements from N to N) and is calculated as M! / (MN)! N! (Where the admiration is not a literary symbol, but the calculation of the factorial of a number). So the combinatorial number 52 on 2 would be:
C52, 2 = 1326
That is, we sort of 1326 different ways 52 cards (the order does not affect the result if not would not repeat variations). Well, we already have the number of possible cases.
number of favorable cases. A king (a K), for example, has 3 names: pica, heart, diamond and clover, so they are 4 different people from the point of view of combinatorics. They are cousin-brothers, but are not the same person. How many ways can be paired with each other kings? Assuming that respects hemophilia and that incest is not a crime, we need to order 4 items from 2 in 2 (remember, 2 hole cards). Thus:
C4, 2 = 6
different combinations. Of course, these are just ways of intercourse del Rey, but there are 13 possible pairs in total (22.33 ... KK, AA), so
6x13 = 78
different combinations of hole cards that give us a pocket pair. So applying Laplace
78/1326 = 5.88%
ie each received a 17 hands pp. If we know the probability of hitting a particular, such as AA, with only 6 cases favorable:
6 / 1326 = 0.45%
1 of every 221 hands.
And if for some ground-sidereal astrology-hypnotic-eclectic-chirripitifláutico mecagoenelcicloreproductivodelmejillóncebra want to know what the probability of receiving a pair of 88 or higher?
for as are 7 couples (88 ... AA) will have 7x6 = 42 favorable cases:
42/1326 = 3.17% 1 every 32
Well, that's all for today. I leave a link to the Wikipedia (shame, I referencing wikipedia, what a shame ...) so that you do not make a lot of poker at least take a little culture.
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