Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Costumize Your Own Singlets

Winter Day II of the New timetable SERGAS

Next January 28 will be held in the city of La Línea (Cádiz) the Winter Day II of the Andalusian Society of Critical Care Nurses from 09:00 to 17:00 h in conjunction with the AGC Campo de Gibraltar.

The program includes papers related to advanced practice in emergency:
- Development of strategies for care in the emergency environment, emergency and critical care at the SSPA.
- advanced rankings in hospital emergency and primary care
- Care for the vulnerable in emergency
- Advanced Coordination Teams
- Nurses in emergency room

coordination and be counted with the collaboration of speakers address the following issues, among others:
- Auxiliary Nurse's Role in the critical care team and urgent
- The critical care in the context of PAI
Sepsis - An experience of nursing in natural disasters such as Haiti
- Attention to critical care bereavement

A communications may be submitted the day type poster. Both for shipment to the inscription on the day can use the web link http://www.saecc.es/ii_jornada_de_invierno_saecc_-_ags_campo_de_gibral.html
or email address with your name and surname, workplace, email address, telephone number and an indication of membership or not the direction saecc@saecc.es SAECC
Seating is limited and assigned in order of entry of order.

REGISTRATION is free for members of the SAECC and AGS professionals Campo de Gibraltar. For other participants the registration fee has been fixed with the premise of low cost and providing assistance (5 € for students, 10 € for nursing assistants and 15 € for nurses and other professionals).

Source: SAECC


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