Monday, January 31, 2011

Boat Authorization Letter


Today, social networks like Facebook , Tuenti , Sonic , Hi 5 etc. are used by many citizens, regardless of their age and condition. Due to the great facilities of interaction that these applications provided, it is causing an unprecedented level of disclosure of personal information, based on personal profiles that the users generate.
is true that these networks provide a wide range of possibilities and opportunities communication and exchange of all types of information, but it is also true that in the same measure, generate large privacy risks users and third parties with which we are interconnected.

Although a priori, the basis of "community" networks suggests that the publication of personal data would be comparable to share information with friends and when we are face to face, in reality this is not the case and information may be available online for millions of users. We must bear in mind that the personal data we put into social networks, are publicly accessible and comprehensive a manner and on a hitherto unprecedented amounts, including huge quantities of pictures and videos of users. This puts users at risk of losing control over the mode and manner in which third parties access to these dies, they will use the information we provide.
Today, although much improved, there is very little protection against copying of personal data in these profiles (either by network members, and other unauthorized persons and outside the network) and against its use to create personal profiles and re-publish this information elsewhere. It is very difficult and sometimes impossible to completely eliminate certain information once it has been published in internet , even though it has been removed from the original site. It is possible that third parties or the suppliers of network services, keep copies.

We must also know that personal data from profiles, can "leak" out of network when they are indexed by search engines. On the other hand, some providers of social networking services facilitate user data to third parties through "programming interfaces of applications" at that point they would be controlled by such third parties.

An example of secondary uses that have caught the attention of companies, is the practice of HR responsible for some business organizations investigated profiles of candidates for a job or even their own employees. Another example is that of service providers also use the profile information and traffic data to deliver marketing messages custom to users. It is very likely that arise in the future other unexpected and undesirable uses of the information contained in user profiles.

Another risk to the safety and privacy that have already been found, identity fraud is fed by the widespread availability of personal data in user profiles and the profiles suspected piracy by third parties.

is therefore necessary that all users of social networks sensitize us and became aware of the risks that exist in the network and in this line is prudent to recommend that a user of a network should be of consider what personal data will publish and what not, to develop the social profile. Should be aware that after the profile can add pictures, videos, reviews, etc.

In the case of minors should be very clear that they should not disclose either the number of tf. or home. It would even be reasonable to plan for the possibility of using pseudonyms instead of real name. In any case, we must be aware that the use of a pseudonym offers limited protection given that other people can appropriate this nickname.

Also, it is imperative that we respect the privacy of others. In this line, we must be especially careful when posting personal information or photos relating to others without the consent of these. For example, if I do not want to publish photos of the wedding of my son or my grandson's christening, by what right a user who has attended these events, decided without consulting me, hanging pictures on the net.
Finally, it is very important that we configure correctly privacy options applying restrictive practices. In this regard we must think very much what the information in my profile I wish to convey, who can see it, under what conditions, etc. It is also important in day to day, when we comment on the wall, we value what we want to convey and to whom, and above all, it is very important that we have a special care with the photos and videos you wish you hang, and even more if those photos are not ours, because like we have to protect our privacy , we must do the same with that of our friends.
Prior to this post I've been writing about the issue of privacy . Who wants to read them accessible "The privacy and social networks" or "job search and virtual reputation" or "watch virtual reputation" . I am satisfied if after reading it, someone is aware and start taking measures to avoid privacy problems with which we can find if we are not careful.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Design Your Own Wrestling Singlet

commitment to how much take forward the Law Sinde

When the call Sinde Law seemed to have died in the House of Representatives, now, through a covenant of the PSOE and the PP is to resurrect the project made some changes. Have begun to appear again comments and opinions and all kinds. Media, Internet, politicians and lawyers, pour all comments for or against the now famous draft law (I myself, in a previous post I argued that the project was a legal aberration and therefore would not be very long).

But, let's see, no one has yet realized that it is very difficult to put gates to the internet and, To approve or not approve this law, will be very difficult to defend effectively the intellectual property creators, initiating administrative proceedings or in court proceedings to wind up pages of links and thus prevent downloads?.
should have
that if one of these sites are threatened by a procedure in a few hours can maneuver and load the page in a foreign server, where English law and has no power to act. Within an hour the owner of a page of links can migrate everything to a foreign server and Google just a few days and have recovered their position. In turn, the users of that page of links, with a simple message on Twitter may already know their new location.

If problems arise are again hosting the new server, either because the English justice through international judicial cooperation agreements or justice the country where the server is located, touch noses, then nothing happens, everything is migrated to another server hosted in another country and that's the problem.

In short, why such obstinacy in taking forward a law that will be totally irrelevant?. English law currently has the means to defend intellectual property, but the problem is the rigidity and slowness of the judicial administration, and this is not going to change the new Act and therefore I think what is that creators should adapt to new technological times and try to partner with them to defend their interests. It is not good to continue anchored in something which is already obsolete.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Rapid Heart Beat After Hysterectomy


Can you imagine that one day dobláis the corner and you find a guy with this painting? Yes, you guessed it all: Pierre Simon Marquis de Laplace. A gallifante for everyone.

The Texas Holdem is a game where they test many facets of the human condition, and one of them is the knowledge of the probabilities of events: their understanding and comprehension. The basis of probabilities is the combination, and when the number of events reached exorbitant figures, hand calculations become unviable and have to use mathematical formulas to numbers combinatorial. In this article we begin a series covering some of the most common and I hope the reader will serve to improve understanding of the formulas that reside on the probabilities used in their daily work. I've subtitled 1 N because I do not know how many are (I hope that N tends to infinity as soon as possible.)

Let's start with one of the easiest and most common: the probability of receiving a pocket pair in our hole cards (22 to AA, or you say 22 +). Laplace probability defined as " number of favorable / number of possible events." So calculate both.

number of possible events. There are 52 letters, and we have to see how many ways can we arrange them 2 by 2. The formula is well known: M on N (M combinations without repetition of elements from N to N) and is calculated as M! / (MN)! N! (Where the admiration is not a literary symbol, but the calculation of the factorial of a number). So the combinatorial number 52 on 2 would be:

C52, 2 = 1326

That is, we sort of 1326 different ways 52 cards (the order does not affect the result if not would not repeat variations). Well, we already have the number of possible cases.

number of favorable cases. A king (a K), for example, has 3 names: pica, heart, diamond and clover, so they are 4 different people from the point of view of combinatorics. They are cousin-brothers, but are not the same person. How many ways can be paired with each other kings? Assuming that respects hemophilia and that incest is not a crime, we need to order 4 items from 2 in 2 (remember, 2 hole cards). Thus:

C4, 2 = 6

different combinations. Of course, these are just ways of intercourse del Rey, but there are 13 possible pairs in total (22.33 ... KK, AA), so

6x13 = 78

different combinations of hole cards that give us a pocket pair. So applying Laplace

78/1326 = 5.88%

ie each received a 17 hands pp. If we know the probability of hitting a particular, such as AA, with only 6 cases favorable:

6 / 1326 = 0.45%
1 of every 221 hands.

And if for some ground-sidereal astrology-hypnotic-eclectic-chirripitifláutico mecagoenelcicloreproductivodelmejillóncebra want to know what the probability of receiving a pair of 88 or higher?

for as are 7 couples (88 ... AA) will have 7x6 = 42 favorable cases:

42/1326 = 3.17% 1 every 32

Well, that's all for today. I leave a link to the Wikipedia (shame, I referencing wikipedia, what a shame ...) so that you do not make a lot of poker at least take a little culture.

Historical Corporate Bond Prices

Fides New Version Final list Opposition SERGAS TCAE

you have already published in the DOG and the website SERGAS final list with the selections to obtain the Plaza in the category of TCAE.

Congratulations to everyone!!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The Proposal Streaming Dvd Rip

Publication 2009/10 Transfers List Definitive 2010

Today have been published in the DOG final list of all categories except doctors and nurses. So, the Midwives of the categories you are lucky you already have vuestas lists. You can consult the website SERGAS

luck to everyone!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Free Anti Wrinkle Skin Care Trials

Midwives Refresher Course on Maternal Breastfeeding

Elisa is a fellow nurse consultant breastfeeding yy Pontevedra. I was warned of the impending completion of this course on breast feeding will be done in Vigo and is aimed at nurses, midwives, auxiliaries ... who are interested.
You have all the information in the image.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Niagara Fall Christmas Lights

January 29: Upcoming Publications Review

The next day, January 29, there will be reviews of the current call for the selection tests, 2010, for access by the year 2011, health training places specialized graduates / diploma in nursing.

can check the place, day and time of the examination table, click on this link

Top 100 Beautiful Men On Earth 2009

EIR on the OPE and Transfers SERGAS 2010

On Wednesday 26 January baremación lists published final phase of competition for the category of Technician subsidiary of nursing care (nursing assistants)


On Tuesday January 25 DOG be posted on the final list of movements of the following category:

Administrative Assistant, General Service staff, tap, heating, carpentry, warden , cook, seamstress, electrician, plumber, nurse specialist in obstetrics, gynecology, physical therapist, technical specialist in pathology and cytology, oral hygiene technician, lab technician for clinical diagnosis, technical specialist image for clinical diagnosis, technical specialist in radiation therapy, occupational therapist, administrative group the administrative function, group management of AF, AF technical group, laundress, speech therapist, mechanic, ironing, hairdresser, technical (management, specialists and senior and IT systems), mobile and social worker.

Source: CSIF

Monday, January 17, 2011

Wording For Birthday Glow Party Invitations


When we are inside our house, shut the door, draw the curtains so the neighbors do not see us and we are extremely jealous of our privacy. If a friend visits us can teach you the family photo album, but certainly would be willing to give some of those pictures for him to teach the street. We protest against junk mail we receive, we protest if someone photograph or record without our consent and ride a nice mess if someone placed a photo or an open letter on the bulletin board of the residents.

In the same measure, in our work we keep the same habits privacy or intimacy, and only with a colleague / friend to share personal items. It bothers us to see things we have in our office or desk and cabrearía us much more than someone agree to our e-mail . In this case, if occurs, until we are ready to defendants against that person or company that has dared to access it as intimate and personal.

But what happens when we move into social networking? What nonsense!. Within the social networks we operate as genuine exhibitionists . Add more and more friends, which in most cases not even know personally . We hang all types of photos, we have our life in installments, we criticize our businesses, we put on our wall comments unfortunate and not even care about properly configuring our privacy options. And of course, what happens happens. And what happens?.

Well it happens that one day I really wanted to go a short week the snow with friends, but I had a lot of work in the company. So, as there was no question of leaving alone friends, I went the doctor to ask down and problem solved. After each session of skiing in the hotel I connected to the laptop and Facebook Wall commented on the day of skiing and the great shape he had. How nice! What a week so fantastic snow !!... At issue is that on Monday, when I joined the work, I was told to go to see the head of human resources. dismissal ipso facto and Inem tail.

also happens that a good I hung several days vacation photos had happened in Palma and highlighted including one in which my wife looked in her splendid bikini palm. Someone got that picture and stared. I do not know the reasons, but that someone decided to do a putadita . Some days later, the windshield of every car parked on the street adjacent to where I live, there appeared a very well prepared leaflets that appeared in the photo of my wife in bikini and the following text: "MATURE . Discreet, educated and spirited. Looking for casual sex. No charge. Call me at tf. xxxxxxxx. I hope so. " The phone was mine. You can imagine the embarrassment. Lodged a complaint at the police station, but to this day. Unable to find the perpetrator of a crime.

Or gual i already commented in a previous post, it happens that a young man with a great curriculum and great business skills, was excluded after being a finalist in a selection process, because of all the negatives he had left traces on the network. It also happens that a young man that friends made a recording telling you how a girl had jilted him and then became very popular on YouTube with more than three million hits. The video is titled "you do not. Critter."
Or what happened to a policy known Asturian waiting for the plane to return to Oviedo, decided to join Facebook using the airport wireless network. As this network was unprotected and your laptop too, another user input in your profile, supplanted his personality and wrote something like this: I'm so hot and when I get home I hope that a volunteer take a polvete anyone willing?.

Gentlemen, it is not telling. That what story are real events that occurred as a result of lack of interest in preserving we our privacy in social networks. As I said before, we're a real contradiction. On the one hand fiercely defend our privacy in our home and in the company where we work and another appears in Facebook and similar behaving as genuine exhibitionists .

Ufffs . how complicated we are. No one understands us.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Ipod Compact Flash Sdhc

IPPT 2010 to 2 nd TEST

On January 8 was held at the Grand Casino Perlet the 2nd test scoring for IPPT2010. After several hours of raises and reraises, Víctor Agulló Bruts Dits beat in the final heads. The classification of the test is as follows ...

After 2 races held, the general classification of 2010 is led by Serrano, followed Sargantana ...

Note: It has created a jackpot accumulated will be distributed at the end of the season among the top three overall (50% -30% -20%)

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Wedding Response Card With Dietary Needs


Back in the month of July I wrote a post titled " care virtual reputation" in which he said that Human Resources departments of many companies were using the network to find personal information about candidates they have in the selection process to fill certain jobs and therefore not should be surprised that many will be discarded, despite its good resume.

Today I met a case which fully confirms what I said in that post. This is a young sales engineer who after going through two companies to reap commercial success, was signed by a large multinational. After a year working with big business capabilities in this great enterprise, said he was very stressed and decided to leave it by a dismissal agreement. Wanted to take a breath and reflect.

In this period of reflection made several trips of adventure, opened a blog and began to move by Facebook and Tuenti. In his blog, while commenting on their travel adventure stories, writing about ideas that occurred to him to set up business (it seemed all a budding entrepreneur.) Similarly, in social networks appeared very often commenting and verse, the binge that had been with friends who had been partying until dawn yesterday, the desire he had to bind to a girl, etc.etc. (All enlivened with interesting photos.) In short, the network was leaving a virtual trail seems to imply that it is an adventurous, up for some action, fun and entrepreneurial.

When he would stop running, decides to move to find a new job. The economic situation is very difficult and that makes it very difficult job search, but he is very confident in your abilities, have contacts, and you're sure you'll soon find something. Spend six months! Ufffs finally has a positive job interview. It has a good professional curriculum, advances in the selection process, was a finalist. Almost and is working again.

But when he was just waiting to be called to formalize the employment contract, the call received is quite another. The HR department of the company calls you and tells you that your application has been rejected. When asked about the reasons there for not having the laconically say to him: We found plenty of information about you online and consider you a person who is unstable and unreliable for us. What happened?. Quite simply that a good resume and good commercial skills, have gone to hell by the careless traces are left by the network.
that we care, we are cautious about what we say and do in the network, seek to trace positive, and weigh what we need, before we launch into that impulse to say and do stupid thinking that we're only in the circle of cronies . Internet is clear and everything looks.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Costumize Your Own Singlets

Winter Day II of the New timetable SERGAS

Next January 28 will be held in the city of La Línea (Cádiz) the Winter Day II of the Andalusian Society of Critical Care Nurses from 09:00 to 17:00 h in conjunction with the AGC Campo de Gibraltar.

The program includes papers related to advanced practice in emergency:
- Development of strategies for care in the emergency environment, emergency and critical care at the SSPA.
- advanced rankings in hospital emergency and primary care
- Care for the vulnerable in emergency
- Advanced Coordination Teams
- Nurses in emergency room

coordination and be counted with the collaboration of speakers address the following issues, among others:
- Auxiliary Nurse's Role in the critical care team and urgent
- The critical care in the context of PAI
Sepsis - An experience of nursing in natural disasters such as Haiti
- Attention to critical care bereavement

A communications may be submitted the day type poster. Both for shipment to the inscription on the day can use the web link
or email address with your name and surname, workplace, email address, telephone number and an indication of membership or not the direction SAECC
Seating is limited and assigned in order of entry of order.

REGISTRATION is free for members of the SAECC and AGS professionals Campo de Gibraltar. For other participants the registration fee has been fixed with the premise of low cost and providing assistance (5 € for students, 10 € for nursing assistants and 15 € for nurses and other professionals).

Source: SAECC