Friday, March 25, 2011
Black Shirt, Tie, Sweater
26de Saturday March will take place the act of choice of places SERGAS 9.8 OPE in the category of TCAE from 16:30 h.
The squares are distributed as follows:
And the schedule for selection are distributed as follows:
- At 15.30 hours, internal promotional candidates and those candidates whose punctuation is not less than 73.550 points.
- At 16:30 hours: applicants whose punctuation is between 73.500 points and 70.500 points.
- At 17:30 pm: applicants whose punctuation is between 70.499 points and 68.175 points.
- At 18:30 hours: applicants whose punctuation is less than 68.170 points.
luck to all and congratulations!
Source: Serge
Creating Custom Outlook 2007 Stationery

is also intended to Nurse @ s @ s, it is a working tool that allows
supplement the care given to people and provide continuity of nursing care
virtual Nurse is an area of \u200b\u200bdirect communication between nurses and users,
that provides society with no intermediaries or obstacles.
is in this way nurses can offer people advice and
those actions that meet their professional role.
What content can be found?
The authors involved in this project are mainly nurses,
organize information in a new way, because the site is proposed from
health promotion and not from the disease, as is so common.
The website is divided into three main areas: activities of daily living, and living situations
health problems. All content is designed to be easy and user-friendly
How can you afford?
The nurse and the user who wants to access the contents of this innovative resource
should only access the address electronics.
To not lose any novelty, you can follow him on Twitter, through @ infermeria
Source: College of Nursing Barcelona
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Clothes Racks, Metal, Menards

Companies are coming and showing great concern for the uses and abuses in many cases, that their employees have with personal computers available to them to do their job. Continuously complained of loss of time generated by navigation internet for private use, or the continuous exchange of emails passing files between friends. And not without reason complain as well as loss of productivity and the saturation of the server through unwanted e-mails, when they decide to fire that say "bully", the Social courts could issue rulings not to recognize these grounds for dismissal.
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Katesplayground Zipsets

1st Lacasitos A giant tube (1.5 kg)
2nd A giant box of Bones
3rd A giant Toblerone
also shared a few Little Black's Hard (Hard Negrin), but the truth is that what before had reason to sharpen the fangs and cards.
As often happens in these events, highlighted the good vibes and fun, and surprised the massive attendance of female players, it seems that after the triumphs of Leo Margets beginning to look plausible to break into the world of holdem . predict that very soon we will have our Cabezona of Elche.
Suspiciously, the organizer of the tournament won the first prize, but we all know that these Lacasitos had my name engraved on fire, "why has received a subpoena from the Tribunal in The Hague, to be A case of recidivism (Which was held on his birthday is also playing a good prize).
As in Spain everyone is innocent even if proven otherwise, for the moment we can not do anything but congratulate you on this overwhelming record of success.
PD: The contribution of the night was given by Kolmogorov, who introduced us to the unique series that just started on Channel 9, "Lord rhetoric", and has come to be something like NX berlangiano packed with humor. I have researched and it is the adaptation of the series Galician "Padre Casares", which ran for 7 seasons and supersedes in prime time to physics or chemistry.
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Slatted Bed Base Installation

Monday, February 28, 2011
Dietician For Penicillin Allergy
First, let's see how many quads come out in 7 cards (2 and 5 our community): Merge
52 cards in groups of 7 to 7, C52, 7 = 133 784 560 different groups, this is the number of possible events. The number of events for ables is to the provisions of the type:
(this is a scheme, do not have to leave in that order)
where X can be any letter other than the Q. That tells us that the 48 remaining cards can be combined in groups of 3, so C48, 3 = 17 296 positive events. Of course that is just to make quads Q, as there are 13 possible quads is multiplied x13, giving us 224,848 favorable events. So the prob of a quad out with 7 cards is 224.848/133.784.560, or what is the same as a quad every 595 hands. But does that mean that I'm catching quads every day? Man, if with every hand you're dealt (whether or not to pp) VPIP you 100%, 100% saw flop = true and 100% of went to river, of course you should leave it. Notice Some of these quads have been on the board without any card you use.
-Ya but ... I, I'm pregnant, I have the craving to know how many quads pillared using my two hole cards.
"Honey, would have preferred to buy an ice cream. Let's see:
Each pair has 6 ways to order, as there are 13 pp 6x13 = 78 different ways to be pp. The number of possible events preflop, as we saw, remains C52, 2 = 1326. So if I have QQ preflop, the boards that take away the cravings are like:
The number of possible events are 50 cards of 5 in 5: C50, 5 = 2118760
The number of favorable events are 48 cards of 3 in 3: C48, 3 = 17 296 cases
intersect the event postflop preflop with the event, we have:
(78/1326) * (17,296 / 2118760) which gives more or less than 0.05%, which is the same as 1 once every 2083 hands.
All this is fine, but ... What if for some reason sidereal astrology-hypnotic-mecagoenelcicloreproductivodelmejillóncebra-eclectic-sleepwalker-hermeneutic-notedejesabiertalatapadelbáter-bizarre- chirripitifláutico-Sensory ... I want to know how many quads of 8 or higher I will catch using the two hole cards?
Then all you have to change is to reduce the pairs preflop, instead of 13 is 7, (now 6 * 7 = 42) and the calculation is:
(42/1326) * (17 296 / 2,118,760) = 0.03% approx. That is, 1 out of every 3868 hands. As always, this would be if each of 8 or higher pp 100% we saw flop = true and 100% of went to river.
I searched the gúguel quad and the only interesting thing I get is this (LOL, and look Pacocha):

Team Combination Calculator

The deadline for submitting all documentation is from 1 to 15 marzo.Tenéis requests on the website SERGAS.
Source: Serge
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Brown Mucus Discharge One Week Before Period
Today it has played in the big casino Perlet of the 3 rd test scoring for the world championship Elche. A total of 17 participants attended the envento ended after nine at night. Participants highlighted the presence of "PICANTISIMO" Full Tilt player. Following the classification of the test ...
And so it is overall. Recall that the first three of the general will share the Jackpot, which now is in 36 DN

Friday, February 25, 2011
Powerpoint A3 Poster How
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Initiation Strip Games

The inauguration of Destinations will take place simultaneously with the people of the PEO as the successful tenderers shall have to wait for publication of the date of taking possession of these people.
FRIDAY UPDATE 25: as planned and you have at your disposal the final lists Transfers Contest 2010. You can consult via the website or directly SERGAS in DOG.
Congratulations to all awardees.
Source: CSIF
Monday, February 21, 2011
Liver Disease In Guineapigs

universities or schools of poker are free for students, in fact I usually give a small initial capital to start their wanderings, so those who have not yet already EducaPoker slow to start, if they want to have some money coming in the next few years, because what is the real world ... I know of no business that is currently providing benefits (except the fraction collector and banks), so we wait another 5 years of unemployment, and a thousand and one years of job insecurity, and that any savvy entrepreneur will want to pay 700 euros to social security by having a guy who works 11 months and charges 14 (as is written off when he wants because nobody has yet invented dolorimeter) for whom the government use that money to cover up inefficiencies and corruption, rather than for health, education or pensions. So, the bases have been created for a few years Spain is the country with the most% of freelancers in the world: no vols broth, 3 tasse (no vull, not vull, not vull three plats in cormull). One of the first things you must learn a poker player is to face reality, its own reality and the reality around him, because without such an analysis is impossible to make sound decisions in the future.
For those who do not read the post, I take to comment that this Saturday, God willing and the mule does not die, we IPPT League tournament, which almost always. Bring dishes.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Graduation Centerpiece Ideas
The Technical Secretariat will be located in Granada (Spain) and for more information please look at the Congress website ( )
What Would I Say To Someone Having A Shower

affidavit - Official medical certificate issued by the attending physician
- those entering for internal promotion certificate services that proves to be active
- Those who access disabled spaces certificate of disability.
DOG You can consult the February 14 or SERGAS website.
Source: Cig-Saúde O Barco
Friday, February 11, 2011
Affordable Car Starters
you will have found you and I have a new version of the professionalism of Virtual Office (Fides) Sergas. The truth is that change is good, the implementation has become more attractive and intuitive.
can already see that they are preparing the start of the electronic management of the procurement lists because there is a section called File-e, which I said something about it earlier.
Another improvement is that we edit our personal data, so in case of change of address, bank, telephone, etc ... we can change it directly.
hours I would be to update the service!
Source: Serge
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Letter I Want To Be A Dentist

Who produces and disseminates this information (which, after flowing through the network through massive forwards do citizens of good faith), you probably do not know or knows little about the law and more specifically the Organic Law and Data Protection Regulations. Therefore, it is good that lawyers intervene to qualify, define and put in place is wrong information.
The PDPA Article 2.2. referred to the scope of it, says Tasat: This Law shall not apply to files maintained by individuals in the pursuit of purely personal or household activities . So when I, not professionally, but from my house, as a private person, sending emails to my personal contacts, but do not use the Bcc, never, under any circumstances, I may be sanctioned by the AEPD since these activities fall in the scope of the Data Protection Act. In the same line pronounce Directive 95/46/EC, which states that should be excluded from the application of the Act: "the processing of data carried by an individual in the exercise of purely personal or household activities, such as correspondence and the keeping a code of directions. "
Therefore, if I as an individual (not professionally) I have an electronic file with all the addresses of my friends, which as all know we use a PC, although this activity technically be considered a data processing under Article 2.2 of the Data Protection Act quoted above, in any way will be subject to the scope thereof. What matters to the law, which technically is not being performed data processing, but such treatment is taking place in an exclusively domestic or personal.
Thus, we must be clear that these shipments can be made to the e-mail address we have on our friends, in a strictly personal, will not be sanctioned by the AEPD. Another thing different is that it is always advisable to make submissions preserving the identity of our contacts through the use of the CCO and also that, when we will forward these emails, let us try to delete all e-mail addresses appear on them and for two very important reasons:
One because we have to be respectful to those people we have included in our contacts with those who may not like to give out your address to others. We must be careful not to reveal his identity. Another, because if we do not take these precautions, we will facilitate this bad practice that is spam and will not be contributing to their elimination.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Tajima Embroiderymac Os

Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Myammee Hair Flavor Of Love
...). First we calculate the probability of catching set on the flop. Remember to stretch Laplace favorable events / event possible.
possible events are easy to calculate: 50 letters are unknown, to be grouping of 3 to 3. This is C50, 3 = 19,600 possible flops.
Now for the favorable flops. Imagine you have 6h6c, then flops that are caught in September with a single 6 (if they leave the two is quad, that does not count). So the three flop cards we could get us the following:
The X is not porn, or two diamonds (that most young people do not get caught) but X is not a mathematical (if it were, the second and third card on the flop would be the same. By the way, 6d means 6 of diamonds, in case anyone is too neophyte neophyte, and is not an insult, if someone is too stupid, and stupidity can be virtue in some contexts). The X is for us an unknown letter can be repeated or not. Then, when you leave the 6, the other two cards can be combined in many different ways, resulting in many positive events:
Since there are 48 unknown cards in the deck (52-2holecards-1 six-the six remaining and can not leave because it would quad = 48 possible cards to set on the flop), and can be grouped 2 by 2, as we have C48, 2 = 1128 flops favorable. Ojo, favorable to the six of diamonds, but all this also happen to the 6 of spades, so in total there are 2 * 1128 = 2256 flops favorable.
2256/19600 = 11.51%, every time we pp and see the flop, we caught September 1 of each 8.7 times .
This is the% you should see your database: if you play 100bb or more, the deviations of the% can greatly affect the profit or loss.
The total number of hands:
% pp =
% 5.88% 11.51%
set = Intersection of events: 0.68% = 1 in 148 hands.
But that's on the flop, if we reach the river the probability is higher, the board brings 5 \u200b\u200bcards, 4 of which are unknown:
possible: C50, 5 = 2118760
board favorable: 2 * C48, 4 = 389 160
boards Laplace = 18.37% = every 5.4 times
The overall computation of hands:
5.88% * 18.37% = 1.08% = every 93 hands.
And if for some reason, sidereal astrology-hypnotic-mecagoenelcicloreproductivodelmejillóncebra-eclectic-sleepwalker-hermeneutic-bizarre-chirripitifláutico notedejesabiertalatapadelbáter want to know what is the probability of catching a set of 888 or above to the river?
In that case, the reduction in the number of pocket-friendly pair, as we saw in the previous article:
% pp> = 8 ....... 3.17% pro
the boards remain the same: those where there is one, and only one of the letters I reptartieron, 18.37%
intersecting both events: 888 +
% set up the river = 0.58% = every 172 hands
Contraindications: If you
Note that catches fewer sets than predicted here, and concludes that the probability in the real world there ... Do not worry: every time you get a pair, then VPIP 100%, 100% FLOP SAW and SAW 100% RIVER, and see how it starts to catch more sets and mushrooms "and Amanita faloides. "
(do not miss when it disintegrated with a laser beam of the bicycle child)
Monday, January 31, 2011
Boat Authorization Letter