Monday, February 21, 2011

Liver Disease In Guineapigs


Well, some already know the story: that supports these words, a certain Dits Bruts, a native of the terraces of the lower innermost Perlet (Perlet has 3 highway exits and two Metro stops, if someone does not know how to locate it on map) for a week as part of the faculty of EducaPoker. Perhaps many do not know what you mean EducaPoker, so I will give a brief description: EducaPoker in nearly two years has become the second University World's Largest Poker, and differs from the first of which is 100% EducaPoker English (from Valencia, to be specific), and that the quality of educational items is twice as good in EducaPoker, well, if you know twice as good, but of course I used to work at the highest levels. In case you do not recognize me, the nickname I have in EducaPoker is Lobachevsky, which as everyone knows is the one who discovered the first non-Euclidean geometry (... and the terrible consequences it had for humanity).
universities or schools of poker are free for students, in fact I usually give a small initial capital to start their wanderings, so those who have not yet already EducaPoker slow to start, if they want to have some money coming in the next few years, because what is the real world ... I know of no business that is currently providing benefits (except the fraction collector and banks), so we wait another 5 years of unemployment, and a thousand and one years of job insecurity, and that any savvy entrepreneur will want to pay 700 euros to social security by having a guy who works 11 months and charges 14 (as is written off when he wants because nobody has yet invented dolorimeter) for whom the government use that money to cover up inefficiencies and corruption, rather than for health, education or pensions. So, the bases have been created for a few years Spain is the country with the most% of freelancers in the world: no vols broth, 3 tasse (no vull, not vull, not vull three plats in cormull). One of the first things you must learn a poker player is to face reality, its own reality and the reality around him, because without such an analysis is impossible to make sound decisions in the future.

I want to thank the geeks online Kolmogorov, GometaPoker, Josan, Aguskill, Juanito Picantísimo Melenas and with whom I have long hands across mails where we analyze and strategies, and that is that the turning point that makes us investigate and improve every day. And of course my Rudy dog \u200b\u200b(also called Chilet, Chilete, Chilo, Talana, Rudinet and Rudinet The Xiquico) and all members of Elche Poker Club (SerenoMan, Serrano, Dania Scythe, Sarmiento and Gusi KGB), which I have not been kicked out of the office of President, which shows in the friendly form of "Democratic Dictatorship" (or Dictatorial Democracy, as you see, that some clams and a beer buy many votes ...)

For those who do not read the post, I take to comment that this Saturday, God willing and the mule does not die, we IPPT League tournament, which almost always. Bring dishes.


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