Friday, March 25, 2011

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Virtual Nurse: Nursing Councils

Nurse virtual resource is an innovative work of promotion and health education, promoted by the College of Nursing, Barcelona (COIB), who wants to become an important means promote healthy lifestyles in the population, individually and collectively. is directed primarily to the user, since it is offered as an additional resource for you to take care of your health.

is also intended to Nurse @ s @ s, it is a working tool that allows
supplement the care given to people and provide continuity of nursing care

virtual Nurse is an area of \u200b\u200bdirect communication between nurses and users,
that provides society with no intermediaries or obstacles.
is in this way nurses can offer people advice and
those actions that meet their professional role.

What content can be found?

The authors involved in this project are mainly nurses,
organize information in a new way, because the site is proposed from
health promotion and not from the disease, as is so common.

The website is divided into three main areas: activities of daily living, and living situations
health problems.
All content is designed to be easy and user-friendly

How can you afford?

The nurse and the user who wants to access the contents of this innovative resource
should only access the address electronics.

To not lose any novelty, you can follow him on Twitter, through @ infermeria

Source: College of Nursing Barcelona


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