Thursday, February 17, 2011

Graduation Centerpiece Ideas

International Virtual Conference II Nursing "Ciudad de Granada" Published

This year is the II International Congress of Nursing Virtual "Ciudad de Granada" under the motto "Quality and Patient Safety through customized continuing care." This Congress will take place entirely over the Internet beginning at 13 am of May 19 to 13 hours a day May 24, 2011. The timetable is the Peninsular of Spain (UTC + 1).

The Technical Secretariat will be located in Granada (Spain) and for more information please look at the Congress website ( )

The enrollment period begins at 13 am on March 1 and end at 13 pm on April 27, 2011. The timetable is the Peninsular of Spain (UTC + 1).
For shipping within work is March 1 at 13 hours until March 31 to 13 hours. The timetable is the Peninsular of Spain (UTC + 1).

As stated by the title of Congress aboradará Patient Safety and Quality.
The contents of Congress has been divided into four virtual rooms which are the topic areas that should turn scientific work you want to send:
Room 1: European and Latin American projects to manage risk and improve patient safety
Room 2: Quality of care in patient safety in hospitals
Room 3: Quality of care in patient safety in primary care
Room 4: Red citizen as an active part in patient safety
The conference is a scientific committee composed of outstanding professionals Nursing in Spain and Latin America the area of \u200b\u200bprofessional development (University, Primary Care, Specialized Care Management, ...).
Virtual In each room there will be a forum where nurses can discuss experiences and exchange views with the authors of the papers .


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