today started operating the Road Email Address (DEV) that is now mandatory for vehicle owners companies and voluntary for citizens so you replace the postal address for correspondence, by a registered mail .
What is the address e-mail or postal mail?
A of the important developments of the Road Safety Act is the legal effects of substitution physical address for service, by registered mail. (E-Traffic - DEV). The DEV is a website where the various authorities who have powers to impose sanctions in terms of traffic, deposit the notice of disciplinary proceedings and where you can generate email notices to staff and / or mobile phone. This email address is accessed from the website of the DGT.
Vial Having a Web Address, citizens can communicate with the Administration, so that, immediately, is can know the existence of an infringement procedure, which enables Internet are exercised by the actions they deem appropriate, such as driver's identification and payment of penalties. Later also enabled other options such as filing claims electronically access the Internet or sanctioning l.
Obtaining this new address is now mandatory for all legal persons (companies) that registering vehicles in your name, so that sanctions, as of this moment, let m be reported on paper . Just be notified electronically. For individuals obtaining DEV is still voluntary, so that drivers who do not wish to have it, continue to receive notifications in your mailing address.
In the case of local councils with responsibility for traffic law states that have two years (until May 25, 2012) to adapt their procedures and making notifications by electronic means, hence During that time, vehicle owners, although assigned a DEV may continue to receive in your address notifications.
For the DEV is necessary to have an electronic ID card or a digital certificate. The telematics system prove the date and time the notification occurs, and access to content, time from which the notification is practiced all legal purposes. If there even acknowledge the receipt of the notification by the DEV, after ten calendar days without access to their content, means that this has been rejected and this rejection shall be stated in the disciplinary proceedings.
addition, people who have DEV may receive renewal notices dep RIVING LICENCE driving point balance and any other information concerning the vehicle. These services will be added gradually.
"What is Testro?
is another of the new Act which came into effect today. is the Sanctions Board Edictal Traffic (Testro) . is a certified web been substituted in the Official Bulletin, which published the notifications that have not been possible in the email address Vial (DEV) or the mailing addresses listed.
These reports by the DGT began to take place today. Those of the municipalities with responsibilities in this area will begin to fall into depending on the availability of technical means. However the Act provides that from the May 25, 2012 all municipalities will have to make their notifications in Testro. Within twenty calendar days after the notification was published in the Testro, means that it has been practiced and continue the procedure.
The new website has a search engine, which will be requested on the page ID and scan if the driver has any outstanding sanction.
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