Sunday, November 14, 2010

38 Wks Pregnant With Severe Headache

Do we need a democratic regeneration in Spain? I have it very clear. You need to start taking a Zapatero de la Moncloa and also ejecting the mediocrity that has been installed in government and that is carrying all the good work that the English have done in thirty years. I refer specifically to characters like Pajín, Zerolo, Aido, Valenciano, etc.etc.

Today much of the English institutions have gone bankrupt. Politicized Justice does not permit effective judicial protection. The state of autonomous is a real desatre. Education is deteriorating day by day. Many lost health standards. The production model has gone to hell. The party politics has been installed with a low-level politicians and widespread corruption all over the place. The welfare state falls into the abyss and is already an illusion. The values \u200b\u200bof civil society and citizens are losing we seem to be anesthetized.

Before it's too late we must struggle to achieve political and economic regeneration. For this we starting with the Prime Minister that I believe should not continue any longer in office and that has weakened national unity, has denied the crisis, but a mockery to Spain in their abhorrent foreign policy is the laughing stock of Europe's leaders and its sole purpose is to preserve power. I think this is typical of a sick mind and therefore it would unfit to govern.

Zapatero, become socialliberalista, promoted privatization, reduced budgets at the expense of welfare of citizens, sold some of our gold reserves and resources devoted to saving failed banks, reduced salaries to civil servants, frozen pensions, planned increase in the retirement age and especially increased inequality and insecurity of citizens, leading Spain to a dead end.

seems absurd that neither the government nor the opposition and politicians in general, primarily aim to find solutions to the crowds of workers laid off by the brutality of post-industrial world, do not worry about the mileuristas or retired full working age. It seems unacceptable that politicians care about only their own interests and partisan politics and not even think of that 45% of young people under 25 have no job and no chance be achieved. That does not worry about those middle classes yesterday and today are beginning to fall into poverty in many cases.

I think the time has come. We must fight their way out of this feeling of pessimism and helplessness that overwhelms us. We can not consent to mortgaging our future and no less than our children. We have to change the ways in which we participate in political life. We must rebuild our institutions and we must ensure that policies are geared towards the interests of citizens and not their political interests or parties. We must begin to scream as they hear the voice of citizens to regenerate Spain, and to change if so with the political system that was built in the transition.
The politicians just want to live this policy and to pursue their own interests without caring to see that Spain is being destroyed as a state and not worry even less for the interests of the citizens who voted. These politicians are moving between insane policies, deceit, lies, corruption and desire to get rich as soon as possible, consumerism indecent with official cars, visa cards, and favors of all kinds.

With these ingredients, in the worst economic crisis of the last hundred years, instead of uniting to face it and deal with it correct approach, it has been developing in a case or criticize another, an economic program imposed by financial markets, and the leaders of the European Union. We can not allow the English society again incubate the virus of anger and violence that divided us and took us to the Civil War

For all this, in Spain we need a democratic feedback process, we need a new production model we need a new welfare state model, and why not, we need a constitutional amendment. It is time for citizens to come out of dormancy, we start to mobilize, to go out and protest, and bring about that necessary regenración political change and democracy. Failure to do so today, we are doing disservice to our children tomorrow.


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