Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Enlarged Liver And Gallbladder Polyp


for its uniqueness want to share with the readers of this blog, some interesting pieces of biography that has come into my possession, a little-known oddball while successful man named Warren Buffett, the second richest person in the world, surpassed only by Bill Gates . This man has donated thirty-one billion dollars to charity.
Here are some interesting aspects of his life and a series of wise advice given on the use of money:
    bought his
  1. first action to 11 years and regrets that he started too late!
  2. bought a small farm at age 14 with savings from delivering newspapers.
  3. still lives in the same small house with three rooms in Omaha that he bought after he married 50 years ago. He says he has everything he needs in that house has no fence, wall or closure.
  4. Drive your own car everywhere and does not carry a driver or bodyguard .
  5. never travels by private jet , despite being the owner of the company private jets of the world's largest.
  6. Your holding , Berkshire Hathaway owns sixty-three large companies. Each year writes a single letter to the CEOs of these companies, giving them goals for the year. Never called or convened regular meetings.
  7. At CEOs have been given only two rules:
    • Rule 1: Do not lose any money from its shareholders.
    • Rule 2: Do not forget rule number 1.
  8. He maintains social relationships with people of high society. His hobby when I get home is to make popcorn and watch television.
  9. Bill Gates , the world's richest man met him for just five years ago. Bill Gates thought I had nothing in common with Warren Buffett . So he had scheduled the meeting for only for half hour. But when Gates met him, the meeting lasted for ten hours and Bill Gates became a devotee of Warren Buffett .
  10. Warren Buffet does not carry a mobile phone not have on your desktop PC.
  11. Her advice to young people: "Stay away credit cards and invest in yourself."
After these strokes of this "curious" winner, I will review now some of their advice or opinions on the use of money:

A Money does not create man, but was the man who created the money.

B. Life is as simple as you make it.

C. Do not do what others say. Listen , but do what makes you feel better.

D. Do not leave by the marks. Please those things where you feel comfortable.

E. Do not waste your money on unnecessary things. Spend on those who really need it.

F. After all, is his life. Why give others the opportunity to drive?

G. If money is used to share with others, then why does it work? Help but can not. There will always be good things to those who know how to share.

H. Do not spend money you do not have. The Credit, Loans, etc. were invented by the consumer society.

I. Before buying something, think: What will happen if I I buy it? If the answer is 'No', do not buy, because you do not. J.

Nothing we brought the world or anything ... we're taking '

interesting "advice?


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