Written by Jose Luis Sampedro to Recognize Nurses Publication
few days ago at work I read that letter and honestly, I loved it. I was very happy to see that in reality if we can generate these feelings in our patients and their families. This is the end of our profession, at least in my opinion, being there to care and support. Os
way to play:
speak - had Sampedro, with very serious experience of a stay in a hospital bed and a stay of three months, twenty-four hours each day, as a companion to a patient until died. This last experience was my constant painful coexistence with all the nurses come to know and see them in action and certainly not the doctors you see, because to me, were not merely technical or partners, but company, hope, comfort, security and confidence. "
"When you're alone in a room for hours, watching the light change in the window, opening the door surprises offered very different. If it was the doctor, always accompanied the initial uncertainty: bringing good news or bad news? How has the case?. If the nurse was his contribution was always positive: when medicine, or voltage, or temperature, food or drink, the comment moderator .... The mere fact of seeing a move around the room was a guarantee of protection. A sigh of relief escaped my sick us and me to open that door. "
"And the nurse brought a large bouquet of human values, which now both listed and so little applied: tenderness, understanding, companionship for the lonely, peace to the restless, peace. Over time, a nurse went to other services .... But suddenly opened our door, no obligation, only to ask and to demonstrate the direct interest which had come to be. And more than once, in the hallways, I said with emotion that interest referring to the person I was accompanying. "
"Finally, my admiration is not limited to those values but also to human and technical professionals. (...). My nurse, since I call them, they always face this challenge with greater safety and efficiency. "
"Finally, I left the hospital unfortunately cut short by the inevitable, but full of admiration and affection for a professional group so worthy and so full of generous humanity, not only did his duty, but did so with friendly feelings. So now take this opportunity to join the tribute and to proclaim the importance of the role played by nurses and how effectively do that. "
Luis Sampedro (Barcelona, \u200b\u200b1917) is an economist and writer. Professor of Economic Structure in the UCM (1955-1969). He has been deputy director (1962-1969) and adviser (1979-1981) of Banco Exterior de Espana, and real designation senator (1977-1979). Among his works, practical principles of industrial location (1957), economic realities and structural analysis (1959), Awareness of Underdevelopment (1973), the economic forces of our time (1967) and Inflation: a full version (1976).
In the literary field, is the author of Congress in Stockholm, 1952, the river that leads, 1962; The horse naked, 1970, October, October, 1982 The Etruscan smile, 1985, The Old Mermaid, 1990; Real site, 1993; The statue of Adolfo Espejo, 1994, Borders, 1995; The box of postcards, 1997, Mount Sinai, 1998; The lesbian lover, 2000, and The Path Drago, 2006. He is a member of the Royal Academy since 1990 and is considered one of the most solid values \u200b\u200bof his generation
Source: School of Nursing Liaison
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