Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Elizabeth Salon Winnipeg

December Special Call for Temporary Bindings Midwives Definitive Publication list

For the need for midwives to recruitment, has issued a call SERGAS extraordianaria. In this call only the academic scale and have from time to file applications until 7 December.

You can see all the information page or by clicking directly SERGAS here.

Source: College of Nursing, A Coruña

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Jeff Hardy's Hair Style

Automatic Call October 1, 2010

you have already published the final list of the Automatic Call Contratatación October 1 2010.Ya you have them posted on the bulletin boards of provincial offices and medical centers as well as the website of Servizos Galego de Saúde.

Source: SERGAS

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Hematoma Due To Wisdom Teeth Extraction

Written by Jose Luis Sampedro to Recognize Nurses Publication

few days ago at work I read that letter and honestly, I loved it. I was very happy to see that in reality if we can generate these feelings in our patients and their families. This is the end of our profession, at least in my opinion, being there to care and support. Os
way to play:

speak - had Sampedro, with very serious experience of a stay in a hospital bed and a stay of three months, twenty-four hours each day, as a companion to a patient until died. This last experience was my constant painful coexistence with all the nurses come to know and see them in action and certainly not the doctors you see, because to me, were not merely technical or partners, but company, hope, comfort, security and confidence. "

"When you're alone in a room for hours, watching the light change in the window, opening the door surprises offered very different. If it was the doctor, always accompanied the initial uncertainty: bringing good news or bad news? How has the case?. If the nurse was his contribution was always positive: when medicine, or voltage, or temperature, food or drink, the comment moderator .... The mere fact of seeing a move around the room was a guarantee of protection. A sigh of relief escaped my sick us and me to open that door. "

"And the nurse brought a large bouquet of human values, which now both listed and so little applied: tenderness, understanding, companionship for the lonely, peace to the restless, peace. Over time, a nurse went to other services .... But suddenly opened our door, no obligation, only to ask and to demonstrate the direct interest which had come to be. And more than once, in the hallways, I said with emotion that interest referring to the person I was accompanying. "

"Finally, my admiration is not limited to those values but also to human and technical professionals. (...). My nurse, since I call them, they always face this challenge with greater safety and efficiency. "

"Finally, I left the hospital unfortunately cut short by the inevitable, but full of admiration and affection for a professional group so worthy and so full of generous humanity, not only did his duty, but did so with friendly feelings. So now take this opportunity to join the tribute and to proclaim the importance of the role played by nurses and how effectively do that. "

Luis Sampedro (Barcelona, \u200b\u200b1917) is an economist and writer. Professor of Economic Structure in the UCM (1955-1969). He has been deputy director (1962-1969) and adviser (1979-1981) of Banco Exterior de Espana, and real designation senator (1977-1979). Among his works, practical principles of industrial location (1957), economic realities and structural analysis (1959), Awareness of Underdevelopment (1973), the economic forces of our time (1967) and Inflation: a full version (1976).
In the literary field, is the author of Congress in Stockholm, 1952, the river that leads, 1962; The horse naked, 1970, October, October, 1982 The Etruscan smile, 1985, The Old Mermaid, 1990; Real site, 1993; The statue of Adolfo Espejo, 1994, Borders, 1995; The box of postcards, 1997, Mount Sinai, 1998; The lesbian lover, 2000, and The Path Drago, 2006. He is a member of the Royal Academy since 1990 and is considered one of the most solid values \u200b\u200bof his generation

Source: School of Nursing Liaison

Alicante original file: eue.ua.es / documents / news / cartajlsampedro.pdf

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Ladsim Bottiling Plant

DEV and Testro, new way to communicate with Traffic

today started operating the Road Email Address (DEV) that is now mandatory for vehicle owners companies and voluntary for citizens so you replace the postal address for correspondence, by a registered mail .

What is the address e-mail or postal mail?
A of the important developments of the Road Safety Act is the legal effects of substitution physical address for service, by registered mail. (E-Traffic - DEV). The DEV is a website where the various authorities who have powers to impose sanctions in terms of traffic, deposit the notice of disciplinary proceedings and where you can generate email notices to staff and / or mobile phone. This email address is accessed from the website of the DGT.

Vial Having a Web Address, citizens can communicate with the Administration, so that, immediately, is can know the existence of an infringement procedure, which enables Internet are exercised by the actions they deem appropriate, such as driver's identification and payment of penalties. Later also enabled other options such as filing claims electronically access the Internet or sanctioning l.

Obtaining this new address is now mandatory for all legal persons (companies) that registering vehicles in your name, so that sanctions, as of this moment, let m be reported on paper . Just be notified electronically. For individuals obtaining DEV is still voluntary, so that drivers who do not wish to have it, continue to receive notifications in your mailing address.

In the case of local councils with responsibility for traffic law states that have two years (until May 25, 2012) to adapt their procedures and making notifications by electronic means, hence During that time, vehicle owners, although assigned a DEV may continue to receive in your address notifications.

For the DEV is necessary to have an electronic ID card or a digital certificate. The telematics system prove the date and time the notification occurs, and access to content, time from which the notification is practiced all legal purposes. If there even acknowledge the receipt of the notification by the DEV, after ten calendar days without access to their content, means that this has been rejected and this rejection shall be stated in the disciplinary proceedings.

addition, people who have DEV may receive renewal notices dep RIVING LICENCE driving point balance and any other information concerning the vehicle. These services will be added gradually.

"What is Testro?
is another of the new Act which came into effect today. is the Sanctions Board Edictal Traffic (Testro) . is a certified web been substituted in the Official Bulletin, which published the notifications that have not been possible in the email address Vial (DEV) or the mailing addresses listed.

These reports by the DGT began to take place today. Those of the municipalities with responsibilities in this area will begin to fall into depending on the availability of technical means. However the Act provides that from the May 25, 2012 all municipalities will have to make their notifications in Testro. Within twenty calendar days after the notification was published in the Testro, means that it has been practiced and continue the procedure.

The new website has a search engine, which will be requested on the page ID and scan if the driver has any outstanding sanction.

Ultravid Conquest Compact Review

Provisional lists of transfers TCAE 2010

already tentative schedules you also have the Shuttle to TCAE.
You have 15 days for claims to run from the day November 23, 2010.
To see them you can see them on the website or by clicking SERGAS here.

Source: Serge

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Enlarged Liver And Gallbladder Polyp


for its uniqueness want to share with the readers of this blog, some interesting pieces of biography that has come into my possession, a little-known oddball while successful man named Warren Buffett, the second richest person in the world, surpassed only by Bill Gates . This man has donated thirty-one billion dollars to charity.
Here are some interesting aspects of his life and a series of wise advice given on the use of money:
    bought his
  1. first action to 11 years and regrets that he started too late!
  2. bought a small farm at age 14 with savings from delivering newspapers.
  3. still lives in the same small house with three rooms in Omaha that he bought after he married 50 years ago. He says he has everything he needs in that house has no fence, wall or closure.
  4. Drive your own car everywhere and does not carry a driver or bodyguard .
  5. never travels by private jet , despite being the owner of the company private jets of the world's largest.
  6. Your holding , Berkshire Hathaway owns sixty-three large companies. Each year writes a single letter to the CEOs of these companies, giving them goals for the year. Never called or convened regular meetings.
  7. At CEOs have been given only two rules:
    • Rule 1: Do not lose any money from its shareholders.
    • Rule 2: Do not forget rule number 1.
  8. He maintains social relationships with people of high society. His hobby when I get home is to make popcorn and watch television.
  9. Bill Gates , the world's richest man met him for just five years ago. Bill Gates thought I had nothing in common with Warren Buffett . So he had scheduled the meeting for only for half hour. But when Gates met him, the meeting lasted for ten hours and Bill Gates became a devotee of Warren Buffett .
  10. Warren Buffet does not carry a mobile phone not have on your desktop PC.
  11. Her advice to young people: "Stay away credit cards and invest in yourself."
After these strokes of this "curious" winner, I will review now some of their advice or opinions on the use of money:

A Money does not create man, but was the man who created the money.

B. Life is as simple as you make it.

C. Do not do what others say. Listen , but do what makes you feel better.

D. Do not leave by the marks. Please those things where you feel comfortable.

E. Do not waste your money on unnecessary things. Spend on those who really need it.

F. After all, is his life. Why give others the opportunity to drive?

G. If money is used to share with others, then why does it work? Help but can not. There will always be good things to those who know how to share.

H. Do not spend money you do not have. The Credit, Loans, etc. were invented by the consumer society.

I. Before buying something, think: What will happen if I I buy it? If the answer is 'No', do not buy, because you do not. J.

Nothing we brought the world or anything ... we're taking '

interesting "advice?

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Lingual Braces For Overbite


Next to the holiday season is a very propitious time for cyberdelincuentes intensify their activities in the network and attempts to scam, consider iadecuado play the interesting information that gives McAfee 12-Christmas scams.

1 .- false Timo
iPads offers Apple products are leading the charts this Christmas, so that criminals are busy distributing false offers of free iPads. McAfee Labs warn that this kind of scams, consumers are offered other products and are told that, if they are purchased by credit card, can get a free iPad. Of course, the victims never receive the iPad or other products, only headache that occurs realize that they have stolen the number of credit card.

2 .- "Help me have cheated"
This scam sends distressing phone messages to family and friends asking for money to return home for Christmas. Laboratories McAfee Labs have witnessed a growth in this scam and predicts an increase during the travel season. 3 .-

Gift Cards
Cybercriminals use social networks to promote false gift cards in order to steal money and information to consumers, who subsequently sold or used for identity theft.

4 .- Christmas Jobs
Since people need extra money for gifts and holidays, scams Twitter Dangerous Liaisons provide well-paying jobs or jobs to work from home, in which personal information is requested, as e-mail address, mailing address and social security number to respond to the false job offer.

5 .- "Smishing"
Cybercriminals phishing sent via text messages ("smishing"). These texts seem to come from a bank or online sites saying that there is something wrong with your account and asked to perform a call to a particular phone number to verify account information. In fact, these messages are nothing more than an excuse to remove valuable personal information.

6 .- suspicious
Holiday offers
In-season, when consumers search the Internet for travel or offers affordable, cybercriminals create fake Web sites for rent and rentals search for which it is necessary to make the initial payment by credit card or bank transfer.

7 .- The crisis-related scams continue
Scammers target consumers vulnerable to recession-related scams, such as prepayment credits. McAfee Labs has seen a large number of spam advertising of loans to low interest credit cards if the recipient pays a processing fee that goes directly into the pockets of scammers.

8 .-
Cards Electronic cards are a very common send our best wishes to friends and family, but the cybercriminals offer fake versions with links to viruses and other malware.

9 .- Traps cheap
Buyers should be careful with products that are offered at a much lower price than the competition. Cybercriminals use fake Web sites and auction to bid too good to be true, for the sole purpose of stealing information and money to the user. 10 .-

charity scams related to
Christmas season has traditionally been the choice for cybercriminals to scams, because it is a propitious time for donations. Laboratories McAfee Labs predicts that this year is no exception. The most common tactics are phone calls and spam emails asking for donations for the elderly and children or collection of funds for the last disaster.

11 .- Top Dangerous
Christmas-themed Christmas Screensavers, bells and animations are an easy way to spread viruses and other threats to computers, especially when the links come in an email or instant message that appears to come from a friend.

12 .- Wi-Fi in hotels and airports
many people travel for Christmas and uses a network wi-fi in places like hotels and airports. This is a temptation for thieves seeking to hack these networks, hoping to find an opportunity for theft.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Can U Get Hepatitis From Dead Body


Is crisis in the public pension system?. I do not know if this is the situation today. What seems abundantly clear is that the system is experiencing problems and needed adjustments to ensure its future. As we all know, the current pattern of public pensions is based on a "delivery system", which is balanced by a principle of intergenerational solidarity, so that the contributions of young people, can sustain the payment pension for the elderly. But today we are faced with two serious problems that complicate their sustainability:

one hand the economic crisis and high unemployment that we have caused a significant reduction in the number of active workers to be finance system and a loss in value of financial assets accumulated, because of their great loss of profitability.

On the other hand we have a problem with demographics. As a result of medical advances that have life expectancy of the population is higher, and likely will grow even more with new scientific discoveries. At this time, according to the latest known mortality tables, life expectancy for men is 78.3 years and for women 84.8. (Almost double what we had for 100 years).

When designing the public pension system and even when it generated the Toledo Pact, life expectancy was shorter, the percentage of population much higher and accumulated financial assets obtained a high returns being in a growing economic process. In addition, we incorporábamos to work at younger ages and our working lives and therefore periods of contribution, reached 40 or even 50 years (now the young people enter the working world ten years later).

is unquestionable, therefore, that the system is unbalanced, because we have retirees who live longer and fewer young contributors are those who sustain the system. Therefore, it is absolutely necessary to a serious debate on public pensions because, if nothing is done, the imbalance will grow. On the other hand, you can not hide the fact that the system itself is called solidarity is much more than it seems unsupportive.

should review the Toledo Pact in order to maintain the necessary balance system. Failure to do this as well soon, we will leave our children a bad inheritance.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

38 Wks Pregnant With Severe Headache

Do we need a democratic regeneration in Spain? I have it very clear. You need to start taking a Zapatero de la Moncloa and also ejecting the mediocrity that has been installed in government and that is carrying all the good work that the English have done in thirty years. I refer specifically to characters like Pajín, Zerolo, Aido, Valenciano, etc.etc.

Today much of the English institutions have gone bankrupt. Politicized Justice does not permit effective judicial protection. The state of autonomous is a real desatre. Education is deteriorating day by day. Many lost health standards. The production model has gone to hell. The party politics has been installed with a low-level politicians and widespread corruption all over the place. The welfare state falls into the abyss and is already an illusion. The values \u200b\u200bof civil society and citizens are losing we seem to be anesthetized.

Before it's too late we must struggle to achieve political and economic regeneration. For this we starting with the Prime Minister that I believe should not continue any longer in office and that has weakened national unity, has denied the crisis, but a mockery to Spain in their abhorrent foreign policy is the laughing stock of Europe's leaders and its sole purpose is to preserve power. I think this is typical of a sick mind and therefore it would unfit to govern.

Zapatero, become socialliberalista, promoted privatization, reduced budgets at the expense of welfare of citizens, sold some of our gold reserves and resources devoted to saving failed banks, reduced salaries to civil servants, frozen pensions, planned increase in the retirement age and especially increased inequality and insecurity of citizens, leading Spain to a dead end.

seems absurd that neither the government nor the opposition and politicians in general, primarily aim to find solutions to the crowds of workers laid off by the brutality of post-industrial world, do not worry about the mileuristas or retired full working age. It seems unacceptable that politicians care about only their own interests and partisan politics and not even think of that 45% of young people under 25 have no job and no chance be achieved. That does not worry about those middle classes yesterday and today are beginning to fall into poverty in many cases.

I think the time has come. We must fight their way out of this feeling of pessimism and helplessness that overwhelms us. We can not consent to mortgaging our future and no less than our children. We have to change the ways in which we participate in political life. We must rebuild our institutions and we must ensure that policies are geared towards the interests of citizens and not their political interests or parties. We must begin to scream as they hear the voice of citizens to regenerate Spain, and to change if so with the political system that was built in the transition.
The politicians just want to live this policy and to pursue their own interests without caring to see that Spain is being destroyed as a state and not worry even less for the interests of the citizens who voted. These politicians are moving between insane policies, deceit, lies, corruption and desire to get rich as soon as possible, consumerism indecent with official cars, visa cards, and favors of all kinds.

With these ingredients, in the worst economic crisis of the last hundred years, instead of uniting to face it and deal with it correct approach, it has been developing in a case or criticize another, an economic program imposed by financial markets, and the leaders of the European Union. We can not allow the English society again incubate the virus of anger and violence that divided us and took us to the Civil War

For all this, in Spain we need a democratic feedback process, we need a new production model we need a new welfare state model, and why not, we need a constitutional amendment. It is time for citizens to come out of dormancy, we start to mobilize, to go out and protest, and bring about that necessary regenración political change and democracy. Failure to do so today, we are doing disservice to our children tomorrow.