Tuesday, September 9, 2008

What Type Of Doctor To Check Breast Lumps

The economy of my mind I can not

1 to 10 is all right because I have twine.
After 10 and I paid everything I had to pay and I realize that I can not make ends meet or fart. All wrong.
Between 15 and 20 bust me all I have left on a weekend, with the attitude of "I suck a whole egg," may trigger "that asshole."
Between 20 and ends, my strategy is to survive, and have fun as I can. "With butts and gas for the car I can do a lot of things." Ojala think so in the early days of the month. I say today is 9, and I paid all the ballots.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Myeloma India Singapore Best

Hace bastante tiempo que no actualizo nada en este blog, y no sé si voy a poder hacerlo nuevamente. Tengo que pedirles disculpas, pero es que tengo un problema bastante serio. Ya hace unos días, se me encarnó un pelo de la barba, un pelo grande. Comprenderán que estoy atravesando un momento difícil, ya que un cabello grueso está creciendo por debajo de la piel de mi cachete. Improvisé una incisión con mi Voctorinox pero no tuve resultados favorables. El pelo sigue ahí. Y no sólo eso, ahora tengo una vistosa lastimadura, producto del corte.
Básicamente no puedo escribir. Me avergüenza tanto mi pelo encarnado que ando todo el tiempo con una mano en la cara para cubrirlo, I can only write with the other. Usually I write with the right and left cover myself with, but sometimes I get tired and change hands. Anyway everything is very slow (half an hour ago I'm writing this.) I also had to stop driving because I can not grab the wheel and make the changes at once. Not how to proceed with this. But by the time this blog goes down, guess who will be able to understand.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Bells Disease- Canine

The story of Antonio Balantino Glaciers

Antonio Balantino Glacier was a common type. So, so common was Antonio, who had become invisible. Did absolutely nothing to attract attention. Worked well, but not with merits. It was nice, but half anti-social. Those guys that do not break balls at all, but that does not give you ball. When taxes to the doctor, he always said "It's all normal Antonio, nothing unusual. A quietly away that could be replaced by a machine. But the important thing here is that had become invisible. I do not mean metaphorically. Antonio did not sit for coffee in a bar simply because the waiter was not looking. The last time I had gone to a bar, waited 20 minutes for them to assist him. A man came and sat on his chair in front, hung the sack on which he sat, and began to read the newspaper. Antonio he said hello, "but the man did not respond. Each time Mr. passing of sheet, was a fan effect and will fly a little bit of fringe Antonio. It was a normal bangs, he was not disheveled or frozen in gel. In fact, if I had hair gel, had not flown with a simple switch blade. But the important thing here is that the boy did not see it. When he came to take the order, which served the Lord. But Antonio, nothing. Then rose from his chair and left. Besides common and invisible, Antonio was half idiot too, because he left without saying anything, and had to put a coffee break at home. Because he liked the coffee had froth. Not much, normal. It was from that day, stopped going to bars and began to realize that people do not see it. He was re
downturn for a couple of months. Sometimes his spirits up a little when I went to the movies. As they did not see, went unpaid. But then stopped going because at night I had nightmares. He dreamed that a big fat sat in his seat, he shouted - I'm invisible, I'm invisible! - But the fat did not see it and just sat. It was a life hock Antonio.
To go to work I had to leave one hour earlier. Because it is not going to believe that the poor could stop a bus or a taxi. No, he had to go walking. - I will be common, invisible and idiot, but at least I do not spend money to go to work and I'll keep it in good condition, "they said in an absurd attempt to feel better. But it was the fart, her life was crap and had to do something. He began to study, but was cleared in all subjects. The teachers said they never saw him not in class.
The ideas started to finish it. And that piece of sadness that gripped the poor Antonio! Crazy people went looking for the same thing happened to him. Googles, googling, and nothing common + + invisible man, and nothing common + invisible + idiot, nothing. But the important thing here is that it was very sad because it was invisible.
not even tempted the mischief that his condition allowed. Never a mess mine the bathroom, steal coins from the fountain, stick a coffee acid to your boss in a meeting, drop a fart noise with the super glue. No, it was very idiot ... and sad. And all that badly hit.
began to miss work, but nobody noticed, of course. He stopped paying the bills, especially the phone that was the most expensive. Because you will not believe that the poor Antonio was visiting his family. I told them I was invisible, and invisible not go around visiting people, because that's scary. The roast last Sunday that he had gone, the children of Octavia, the second cousin of Antonio, 2 hours were crying when they saw the glass of wine stood alone. So was told not to go more on Sundays. But the important thing here is that he used to visit, he was on the phone because if not, people are scared.
But eventually stopped talking, paying bills, bathing, living at home, to cut their hair, eating healthy and sober. Believe me, if life was a crap Antonio before, was now considerably more battered. He slept under a cardboard on the door of the banks there on May 25. A genuine hobo, who apparently was now visible. Although many ball was not given, in fact, I never saw him. Which leads me to think that Mr. Antonio Balantino Glaciers never existed. All However, say that in a recent call he made to his mother, he said,
"old, it's all right, now I'm visible, so good. I can not go to the movies for me now for a cane in front of the shopping and do not let me enter. But all good. I can not go back because if I do it all wrong again common. Send me money for the escabio. A kiss and greetings to the kids of Octavia. "
But beyond that is true or not, the important thing here is that Antonio was now visible.

Updated : Do not be sad for the poor Antonio, the idea of \u200b\u200bhistory is to laugh.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Boat Replacing Floor Aluminum Boat

New Album Not bad

found this on the blog Anitax . Do not be bitter, because I almost do not think that was an asshole. At the end I did and I screwed up with laughter. I also was a name very cool. Please, I want to see their records.
This is my new release, my first solo work.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Become A Paramedic Manchester

Having a child at 21 years was a shit, I have to admit. Not born Valentina, insurance today would be ending my career, for example. Or would have spent much more time the band had at that time. I would not have suffered so much the failure of a relationship that has not been Valentina, had been more than just an engagement ended. No, in this case both parents were separated. The damn pressure that everyone tells you, "poor, suffer most from this is the baby." Not only had the responsibility of a failure, but in addition, she also was suffering. If she had not arrived today, I would be so hard to fall in love again. It may not have much panic serious relationship, which may involve a failure.
If today were a father, had known the south. But ten days before leaving, I heard she was coming. It would also have known the north and why not Brazil, with all my friends.
was a shit. That idiot. Today would not have to spend more than 40% of my salary to the costs involved in having a child. You know everything you would with a 40% increase in salary? Change my computer, which is me screaming. I would buy another guitar, a lot better. If you have never learned to play well, surely would be great hanging in my room.
is inevitable, however much I try, I will always question what my life would have been had it not become a father at 21. It is a question that sometimes confuses me a bit.
Eye, I'm convinced I'm a good father. I think these things does not become more than a normal person. A normal father. What happens is that it is much easier to explain the contras, that everything good it feels to have a child. I do not understand how you (who are not parents) could understand how it feels to witness the birth, for example. The birth is the earliest we have, is the first contact with the outside world. Maybe you do not understand from the sentimental side, but think of it this way: there is a body that is coming from another body. Physically, it is impressive. Imagine, if that person it is also your daughter. Just think the mother did not like much; puteaba, screamed and squeezed my fingernails. Crazy shit. Must be that men are never going to understand what giving birth, they say.
Next month, the fat is 4 years. Until today, I can not describe how it feels to wait at the gate, he comes running in a million kids, hang on the neck and hug you as if you did not see years. I could not tell you why after we broke the record of droppings per hour, is getting what he wants from me.
explain If I knew, could understand that parenting is not so bad. In fact, it's amazing that you can afford I did not travel, the guitars that I bought, the nights I did not leave and women fuck that I will not love for fear of failure.
I wish she could understand. But if you start talking 30 seconds and do not understand what I'm talking about going to bore you, I'll ask me to go to the kiosk and buy one of those tiburoncitos of candy. And I'm going to go, and I will understand. Being a parent is not bad. And those gummy horrible taste great when she saved me one just for me, while watching his cartoons.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Foto Mature Menstruation


A mystical man dances at home.

A delivery of ridicule.

A roughly my friend.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

College Station, Cruising Areas

People Dance III

To see Sir, when I asked "how are you?", You have to put the response wave. Even if the country is for shit, that prices went to hell and has an ingrown toenail. Understood?

- Hello Sir, how are you?
- Y. .. here we go, throwing, saw this thing ...

bothers me when people say "pulling." I prefer to say they are like ass, or fantastic, but ... "Pulling?". It is as depressing. Besides pulling what? Does the rope to hang himself? Does the rubber?
No, no, no Lord. If you wonder how it is, put wave.

Monday, June 23, 2008

99 F250 V10 Supercharger

Danger ... "At the wheel? Living alone Haaaa

(click on image to see more)

Apparently ITV did not have the day, and it would ExED the speed limit.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Watery Mucus Pregnancy

1 - If I come home and greet the doorman of the night saying "hello, how are you?" And he answers me something totally incoherent in an almost incomprehensible and hard-talking, such as "saw and the thing it, that awful", I assume that is completely drunk.
2 - If I come home and greet the doorman of the night saying something totally incoherent, in an almost incomprehensible and hard-talking, I assume that I am completely drunk.
3 - I find it impossible to find a logical difference between "clean" ovens "and" Grease. " I think we're getting a dog, one can perform the same function the other, do not annoy me.
4 - If you run out super bags that you use to put in the trash, it's probably time to go shopping. Besides you thinner and you have a little hungry.
5 - When I pass by the grocery store, look carefully and choose the product before putting it in the bag. In the same way that you are going to buy a car ask the seller to open the hood, without having the slightest fucking idea what you have to look. Accelerates a little, looks at the bottom, giving you all the feeling of being a connoisseur of cars. Just select a squash, a carrot, etc. Watching, I realized that about 70% of men do the same.
6 - It bothers me that the type of the beach where I keep the car I asked "Do you go out early tomorrow?". And I will take courage and I'll say "skinny, I came to live only for the type of the beach is controlling my schedule."
7 - Walk around the house completely devoid of clothing, something that had never been done. It's good, but in winter almost all the places where you can sit are cold, but the farts very loud sound.
8 - Do not know why, I get the feeling that I look ridiculous from the floor. Have you ever thrown a stone with his left foot? It happens something like that. I feel that I take a strange position. Usually I put the lame or something, and I use the stick as a guitar floor as many times as possible. It gives you a touch more cool (?). But more complicated in this activity (and realizing that the old front is watching while you think you're high), is to raise an appropriate strategy, are not supposed to be stepping on what is wet, and there comes a time which was trapped in the bathroom, or smoking a fag in the kitchen counter waiting to dry everything. You have to know where to start and finish.
9 - Not having any control takes you to leave tucas and accessories throughout the house. Vice and also becomes a problem when people come.
10 - Enter all costs associated with living alone, I realized that renewing the stock of batteries of 4 remotes, is expensive. When summer comes and I do not have to cover, I'll turn off the TV with the big toe. For now, I'm lazy uncovered to do so.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

I/o Shield For Dell Inspiron 530

good! Current release

No, no, no, no .... AGAIN!
That chabon them. So, so Chabon, who I will go and see.
returned all, why would not return them?
Remember the red car at 6? "Pachanga? What about the work?
A couple of bellies Aged for escabio and caripelas to forget.
good show or not, deversión to-be-gu-ra-da.
I go.

told me, to be put these clothes and everything.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Deh-p5950ib Usb Cable

23 hours
Bv.San Juan 49, Centro, Córdoba

are all invited, the box office opens at 22:30 pm
also screened the short film" Silent Night , NIGHT OF LOVE "

Address: MAXIMILIANO BALDI - NICHOLAS Disandro / Writer: ANA M. CHACON - M. LAURA Casasnovas / Production: ANA M. CHACON / directions Photo: MARCELO CERQUATTI / Sound: GUILLERMO CERUTTI / Art: M. LAURA Casasnovas
Based on a story by: JOSÉ M. PASCUAL

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Techines Of Good Sleeping

intense moments make a life. In fact, all that is severe makes a kind of impression on us. No matter if it is a traumatic moment, a wild dust, extreme shame, or a slice of pizza when you come back at dawn. Unlike the bad, the pleasant memories are more affordable. I think, are more accessible. It will be a matter of safeguarding our health. Reflex, I guess.
Podemos cerrar los ojos y traer un buen recuerdo a nosotros. Enchastrarnos por completo de melancolía o de tristeza. Reirse, llorar y hasta relamerse pensando en un beso que fue. Después, abriendo los ojos, limpiamos todo el quilombo de sensaciones. De cara a la realidad otra vez, largamos un provechito por el recuerdo que acabamos de degustar. Es inevitable, poner cara de boludo feliz.
Algunos no surgen tan fácil, hay que ayudarlos con alguna imagen, alguna percepción. Un aroma por ejemplo. Hasta hace poco, tenía guardado un frasco vació de un perfume que usaba en mis 15 años. Es increíble lo que sucedía cuando lo destapaba. La ya pobre fragancia, podía remontarme directamente a esa época. Un perfume convertido Time Machine, it was fantastic. They say a picture is worth a thousand words, well, a flavor has more detail than a thousand pictures. Then he threw. He had lost all trace of odor, and I looked like a sick sucking a memory hidden in a jar. The vessel, empty, do not hit me.
It happens also when I remember something very embarrassing air shot a word that is completely understandable. Or make a gesture rather ridiculous. As tongue and moving his head sideways as fast as possible. I have absolutely no fucking idea what that means. From what I am sure of is to clean the saliva left on my face, makes me instantly forget that shame. Absurd my defense mechanism. But effective nonetheless. Cash
as saying that the bad memories I'm not going to talk. Today I have a good day. I have a thousand pictures on my nose, and a jar of perfume in the shape of your body. The memory of your skin made me a glove, and I can not touch you. We
we ate, we, smoke, and we ate again. Strange ritual that marked the way to your room.
always wanted to see your skin. Your back was fantastic. A starry sky just moles. It was dark but I could see well. I could see that you also looked at. Lashes almost touching, but I know you looked. Yes, I felt good to be fantastic. I also was set, and when I awoke, I realized your name was not skin. But the touch I turned and saw your back again. I came into question again.
In the mouth had the taste of the parts that you could try. "I want to invite me to dinner again," I shouted. Do not you hear me, sleeping, perfect. I was dreaming, awake.
was covered to the waist, and the sheets remained exactly how all that goes to the balls of your feet. Decreed then, mysteriously, your sheets were transparent.
Now it was day and the window was slightly open. Light and noise came from an army of people going to work. Tapaste you all.
I did not mind, your sheets are transparent.
And your name ... your name is Skin. And if I happen to forget again, I have a jar filled with your perfume on my pillow.
I think I'd settle for knowing that you're only good memories, how intense brand. But even better is knowing that I'll see again.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Women Aged 2-20 Statistics Of Bmi

Possible installation boot "cagar a mermaid" is always well

1 - From action to defecate: Within this category we have 4 options.
a) Female shitting a siren.
b) Man shitting a siren, too.
c) Man has screwed up on a siren.
d) Man who has shat on a mermaid, too.
2 - In the act of stealing: Here you can find 2 variations.
a) In this patrol, clearly you have screwed up the siren.
b) This man, it is screwing a siren.
3 - With violence: may be many, but mainly two categories
a) Make a mermaid shit.
b) Make a mermaid shit, too.

And there are many more. As the man who fucked a mermaid because she sold some trucho. Or the mermaid's boyfriend fucks another siren and shit, etc, etc, etc. But it was to put more photos. You think of any more?

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Can You Put Green Peppers W/rainbow Pasta?

"The boyfriend of mine that we like, always an asshole."

Also applicable to our ex-boyfriends.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Boat Trailering Regulation In Ontario

With you ... Invention

Untipo: Master ... How do I get to Tancacha from here?
Otrotipo: crazy I have no idea, I hope the bondi long time ago, but I'm going to the other side.
Untipo: great, and where's your bondi?
Otrotipo: I was about to ask the same thing.
Untipo: Look, I know nothing about policy, but to Cicciolina I think that has had it strung.
Otrotipo: not like how you dance?
Untipo: not that, is that it makes me dance.
Otrotipo : You saw how the animal became red?
Untipo: must have been rushed.
Otrotipo: can be a little while ago a guy told me that today was assembled Tancacha piece of fuck.
Untipo: do not know, I'm not going Tancacha or fart.
Otrotipo: I do not, well today I painted tranqui. I go to with friends.
Untipo: are going to drink?
Otrotipo: lot, those taken as sponges.
Untipo: As Bob!
Otrotipo: Nah, that it already was. Now the post is Mr. Mattress.
Untipo: crazy Well, I'm going because I have to update the blog.
Otrotipo: Yeah, me too.
Untipo: You have a blog?
Otrotipo: No, that's fucking.
Untipo: Yes, obviously.

... Mr. Mattress!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Bow And Arrow Old Pc Game

her transport

bell rang. It is known that on the boards of departments, is a law that the last-come, must come down to open the next. John knew that touched him, but made no move. I had the strange feeling that night something would go wrong. And he would not do anything. Just stay, so as not to tempt fate to commit any unforeseen.
hands But all I said. I knew it was imminent the claim, and also fair. He took the keys and said, "is very likely that I will take something more than expected, I know that something is about to happen, and it is very strange to be sure it will be now.
reached the door of the elevator. He felt the call button is lit before I could press, and in three seconds he had the lift in front. The second bars door was open. Normally, it should be. He doubted whether raised or not. This is what touched him, it was time. -Use the stairs could be worse, "he said.
Once inside, closed the two doors and pressed zero. The elevator began to move slowly, like a train that is picking up speed. I looked at the numbers drawn in passing between floors. But then there was zero more doors, or numbers. While still falling faster and faster.
The land was beginning to see go to darker, until after a few minutes, a black remained constant. John was in shock, I could not scream or call for help. He curled in a corner, because I was doing the cold was unbearable. He pressed himself so strong, I felt pain, fatigue. In half an hour the temperature had dropped so much. It must have been exhausted and all that had taken ended asleep. Asleep while traveling at speeds impossible to calculate.
When he awoke, he was all sweaty. The wet clothes had stuck to his body, and the bars of the gate could not touch, they were boiling. The ground outside was no longer black, was red. The oppressive heat, and John was so weak that he could not even stand. I was thirsty, lots. I wanted to wring his shirt soaked through and drink from his own perspiration. But he could not. The speed with which he was riding the elevator was incredible, and it was very difficult to move. Spent just a few minutes until decompensation, in the same corner, not moving.
This time the dream was longer. He even had nightmares. John looked like a corpse, he looked awful. I came to dream that the elevator stopped, and he could not wake up, and found it gave him for dead. He could not scream I was alive. Wanted to, but was very weak, unable to speak or move.
The elevator began to slow, slowly. John opened his eyes with much effort, and saw that the earth was black again. He grabbed one of the side rails and managed to stand. Everything indicated that he was a halt, you could see traces of cement between the earth and the speed it was almost zero. She looked in the mirror, "If it was not me that look, I'd say I'm dead. Behind his reflection, he saw that the door began to appear. When turned to face him, the elevator stopped. He heard voices outside, but it was impossible to decipher what they said. With the little strength he had left, opened the gate. The second door was opened from the outside.
There were about ten people waiting. All eyes were slanted, were Oriental. And stared. He assumed it was for his appearance. There was an eternal silence, do not know what to say, I was tired and could not think. He made a step forward, wanted out of the elevator as soon as possible. Took a deep breath and slowly said, "Excuse
. I know that once I learned to say "hello" in Japanese, but the truth is I can not remember. Know apologize, but I have some trouble. My friend must be waiting a while you open the door. Retrieved the keys from his pocket, and he was about to pass through the shield, turned quickly. "Excuse me, if they go across the planet could you tell the 12" A "we're well? How? Sure, if yes, do not speak English. I understand, I understand. He said goodbye gesturing Kung Fu master and opened the door to his friend. "Go crazy, we are making something up.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Animated Toy With Blueprints

People II

As indicated by the latest technology magazines, the Japanese would be developing a sensing device poop. Apparently convinced that stepping stool, full of good luck to the unfortunate. As had the task of designing and building a device that allows the pedestrian, detect any deposition, with a range of at least 100 meters. Distance is more than enough, in the case of, for example, having to cross the sidewalk. The user is warned by alarm (sound and vibration), which varies in intensity according to the distance we meet the target.
This brilliant invention is equipped with the latest technology, combining the most advanced features of the art equipment we see today. Among them: LSD
-screen 3 ".
-Comes with 5 wallpapers to choose from. All of them, beautiful pictures of turds, of course.
agenda-functions and statistics. It has a software that automatically calculates the level of luck according to the turds stepped in last week, month or year, as required by the user. Besides drawing up charts bar can download to our computer via USB.
-Camera 3.2-megapixel camera. With a memory capacity which can store 10 pictures of turds per day for 1 year.
-Attractive and modern design, all in the tone of brown.
"In its two versions (RX-423 and RX-500), the device is compact in size, similar to a label cigarettes. It supports to turn on the trouser belt or strap in case you want to hang the neck.
-Comes with different ringtones for alarm, and the RX-500, also can be incorporated into mp3 files. -Has
reminder function. In case of trouble we can not step on any, The device stores in its memory the exact location and automatically sets an alarm.

While it is a revolutionary device, those who were lucky enough to test the prototype in the salons of Paris and New York, say a major drawback is that the system does not distinguish the origin of the feces. As detected by either human or animal, knowing it is public knowledge that the dog poop even luckier, for example.
The official launch is scheduled for late this year and come to Argentina in mid-March 2009, at an approximate cost of $ 750. Beyond criticism, we have bad luck, we look forward to your arrival.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Sidelight Door Panels

great sleep and noise

Thursday 00:15 pm, the phone rings work.

Me: (say the name of the place where I work)
Sr: If hello, good morning.
Me: In fact, good night.
Sr: Well, that depends on each one (in a very serious and with no intention to sound funny).

Somebody explain to me what he meant by this gentleman. I mean, unless you call me from across the planet, at 12 pm, it is night for all.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Money Tree Causing Cancer

Character E: Cordoba Tourist in Europe. Sleepwalker, once jumped naked from the top floor a bunk and slammed the ball against the bedside table. He survived and went on a trip. Character
T: friend and traveling companion E. Semi bald. He left his wife and two phones to accompany E.
Location: E and T are in a hostel but in separate rooms. I sleep with 3 complete strangers English. Next morning talk:

E: Loco, I think that last night I hated it.
T: What happened?
E: dreamed that we would make a whistling competition with my family and I think I spent all night whistling.
T: You're a sick !
E: 'm sleepwalking! To top dreamed that I was losing, then I became a stronger whistle. ---------
thanked the English suppose that I was playing to the whistle and not sparring, look if punching shit to someone. There are people that is very dangerous to share a room.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

O2 Lunching Home Phone Line

Some people have lucky

Click on image to see news

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Labor Time For Thermostat

Reaffirming the votes of hate Waiting signal

I thought you fell just wrong. But yesterday condemned me to hate. Insult you with all my feeling.
Naranjita, I stayed with my 5 weight and how much fun she had been the night.
Luckily I had my mp3 Pink Floyd, as to not break all the while waiting for the lift alone. Not to break your wheel lock in the head. -----------
Today ... I hate the color orange.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Engineering Colleges In Oman

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Concierto Del Amor 2010 Whos Performing


"Talk shit you are good "and defined this blog Esty friend of chupunhuevo . There is no description that makes me more proud than that. So my thanks to Esty, and has decided to give this blog the award for Excellent Blog Award.
seems that people Intertextual , awards blog and in turn, it has to reward more than 5 blogs. robbery is one of those that make your site linken everywhere. But I got a prize and that all good, because I'm re interested.

Now I have to award 5 blogs that I like. So there you go:

Let us go to a quieter place : Funny and interesting blog about everyday sexuality.

Pinchilón Fonseca, is a journalist, but hey, you can make a story attractive asshole, and I like writing.

Waiting overnight : Stories of people waiting until 4 am in YPF to enter a telo. Very good.

not expect anything good: A shit the kid laugh. I say kid because I think it has more than 18 years, so he deserves it.

The Head : Tanta brain club had to make a good blog. At times funny and tender moments.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Heartagram Belt Buckle

award 5 and counting ... People

an estimate of at least 5 things. But minimum 5. I dare say that you can not be below this number. Nobody can. There is no perfection that escape from this figure. We are jerks by nature. And we really are jerks at least 5 things. Up, the limit is infinite, you can be an idiot in everything you do.
I already made my list. And I think an important exercise. Not so much to change, as there are things that we can not avoid, we are jerks, period. But it is useful when you say the famous phrase, "idiot or you're doing?". At that time, if you're aware of your list, you can respond calmly, "I do, I am idiot and at least 5 things."
Boludos the world, rise up and walk out our front boluda proud of our lives. -----------

"If by chance, did you only have 4 things, I'll help. There goes the fifth, you're an idiot telling the 5 things that you are idiot. I know, nothing.
"We could do one of those chains in which all post your 5 things. But I do not look like an idiot, tell me what you think.
-A people who commented in the previous post, I do not care that is one of 5 things, do not annoy me!
-La fotito earlier this shift.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Hairdresser Template Css

In a television program that had Wainraich breaking balls, people called to ask you a phone number and when you're to give, says: "bancame looking for something to write."
Two things: 1 - the program was the Bible and boiler, and Huey slippers hung a few days, a hock. 2 - From there, I started to work in my mind that I spend re followed (the people who called, not the people who die).
Lord, not idiot, if you call to request a number, please have something to score. Is basic. Or if you ask someone on fire and when he lends his lighter says, "I bought bancame butts?