Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Become A Paramedic Manchester

Having a child at 21 years was a shit, I have to admit. Not born Valentina, insurance today would be ending my career, for example. Or would have spent much more time the band had at that time. I would not have suffered so much the failure of a relationship that has not been Valentina, had been more than just an engagement ended. No, in this case both parents were separated. The damn pressure that everyone tells you, "poor, suffer most from this is the baby." Not only had the responsibility of a failure, but in addition, she also was suffering. If she had not arrived today, I would be so hard to fall in love again. It may not have much panic serious relationship, which may involve a failure.
If today were a father, had known the south. But ten days before leaving, I heard she was coming. It would also have known the north and why not Brazil, with all my friends.
was a shit. That idiot. Today would not have to spend more than 40% of my salary to the costs involved in having a child. You know everything you would with a 40% increase in salary? Change my computer, which is me screaming. I would buy another guitar, a lot better. If you have never learned to play well, surely would be great hanging in my room.
is inevitable, however much I try, I will always question what my life would have been had it not become a father at 21. It is a question that sometimes confuses me a bit.
Eye, I'm convinced I'm a good father. I think these things does not become more than a normal person. A normal father. What happens is that it is much easier to explain the contras, that everything good it feels to have a child. I do not understand how you (who are not parents) could understand how it feels to witness the birth, for example. The birth is the earliest we have, is the first contact with the outside world. Maybe you do not understand from the sentimental side, but think of it this way: there is a body that is coming from another body. Physically, it is impressive. Imagine, if that person it is also your daughter. Just think the mother did not like much; puteaba, screamed and squeezed my fingernails. Crazy shit. Must be that men are never going to understand what giving birth, they say.
Next month, the fat is 4 years. Until today, I can not describe how it feels to wait at the gate, he comes running in a million kids, hang on the neck and hug you as if you did not see years. I could not tell you why after we broke the record of droppings per hour, is getting what he wants from me.
explain If I knew, could understand that parenting is not so bad. In fact, it's amazing that you can afford I did not travel, the guitars that I bought, the nights I did not leave and women fuck that I will not love for fear of failure.
I wish she could understand. But if you start talking 30 seconds and do not understand what I'm talking about going to bore you, I'll ask me to go to the kiosk and buy one of those tiburoncitos of candy. And I'm going to go, and I will understand. Being a parent is not bad. And those gummy horrible taste great when she saved me one just for me, while watching his cartoons.


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