Character E: Cordoba Tourist in Europe. Sleepwalker, once jumped naked from the top floor a bunk and slammed the ball against the bedside table. He survived and went on a trip. Character
T: friend and traveling companion E. Semi bald. He left his wife and two phones to accompany E.
Location: E and T are in a hostel but in separate rooms. I sleep with 3 complete strangers English. Next morning talk:
E: Loco, I think that last night I hated it.
T: What happened?
E: dreamed that we would make a whistling competition with my family and I think I spent all night whistling.
T: You're a sick !
E: 'm sleepwalking! To top dreamed that I was losing, then I became a stronger whistle. ---------
thanked the English suppose that I was playing to the whistle and not sparring, look if punching shit to someone. There are people that is very dangerous to share a room.
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