Friday, December 4, 2009

Off White Swingline Stapler

connecting two motors

Installation of two engines. Brushless To install two engines on an airplane, it is necessary to use 2 ESC. It is very difficult to get the installation of 2 motors controlled by just one. In practice I've only heard and not seen the installation of 2 EDF on a GWS A10. There are several ways to connect. But it is common to put a motor in each ESC, use a single battery for both motors and use only one of the BEC. This requires an extension of Y-shaped servo and install a point in the RX and the other two to each of the ESC., Cutting a red wire (positive) from one of the ESC. This will use the BEC of only one of the ESC. Note. When we cut, we mean to interrupt the connection. And that is achieved by releasing the positive terminal connector and isolate ESC in order not to short. Do not remove the connector terminal because the ESC would be useless for another application. Drawing. No.1 Sometimes you can put the two BEC in parallel and thus increases the ability to install more servo amps. To do this, the ESC should have linear BEC for any reason should be done with ESC with switching BEC, as these will be damaged. Drawing No.2


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