Remote Control Electric Aircraft Electric Aircraft Remote Control For Dummies. When you want to learn to fly an airplane electric remote control, it makes it very easy to go to a hobby shop and buy a plane that fits your wallet and your taste. Bad decision, the P51, the Corsairs and Zero as the one pictured,
are not for beginners. set it up to the race and go find a place to fly. Bad decision. Never attempt to learn to fly without assistance from an instructor. No matter knowledge and experience which takes in life. Not even if you are a pilot of real planes, or a Nintendo Nerd.
There are many toys for fun flying. But to enter the world of Radio Control is required to start with a good investment. Investment should be well thought out and targeted to what you want to do in the hobby. In general, it is advisable to buy a plane that already includes everything. In most cases all that will soon be in the drawer of memories or the trash and you have the need to re-buy equipment. So to all beginners, I advise you start by buying the following: A radius of 4-6 channels in the frequency of 72 MHz. (If available with good economic resources can start with one of 2.4 GHz. But it is not necessary.) Have rechargeable batteries and charger. (A return of the year saves a lot of money) and that has memory for various models. A receiver of the same frequency. Parkflyer type. This can be 4 channels and can be as simple or double conversion. (If you can ask more experienced people in the area if they have problems of frequencies. And if you need to take precautions with high-quality receivers.) Servos. 2-4 9 gram servos. As its first aircraft, do not deal that is of quality. And the China manufacturing servos will do the job. Plane. Make it simple to build preference or type ARF. Whether for a beginner, without fins. High-wing, very surface and light weight. In this segment there are many models. And later I'll have a list and the necessary components. The aircraft model identify missing components. Battery, motor, ESC, charger and accessories. When selecting the battery, do not ever buy a lipo battery. Unless you are aware and willing to learn and follow all instructions and warnings that lead. Lipo batteries are very dangerous and can cause a disaster in the hands of a beginner or an expert slothful, to ignore the safety measures that exist for them. Remember. Before you buy Plane. Get a person to advise on the selection of components, assembly, testing and verification. And of course in learning to fly. As an example. See the first video from You Tube bar.
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