Friday, December 25, 2009

Why Are Iron Supplements Hard On The Stomach


track and group photos.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Fire Protection Resume

Remote Control Electric Aircraft

Electric Aircraft Remote Control For Dummies. When you want to learn to fly an airplane electric remote control, it makes it very easy to go to a hobby shop and buy a plane that fits your wallet and your taste. Bad decision, the P51, the Corsairs and Zero as the one pictured, are not for beginners. set it up to the race and go find a place to fly. Bad decision. Never attempt to learn to fly without assistance from an instructor. No matter knowledge and experience which takes in life. Not even if you are a pilot of real planes, or a Nintendo Nerd. There are many toys for fun flying. But to enter the world of Radio Control is required to start with a good investment. Investment should be well thought out and targeted to what you want to do in the hobby. In general, it is advisable to buy a plane that already includes everything. In most cases all that will soon be in the drawer of memories or the trash and you have the need to re-buy equipment. So to all beginners, I advise you start by buying the following: A radius of 4-6 channels in the frequency of 72 MHz. (If available with good economic resources can start with one of 2.4 GHz. But it is not necessary.) Have rechargeable batteries and charger. (A return of the year saves a lot of money) and that has memory for various models. A receiver of the same frequency. Parkflyer type. This can be 4 channels and can be as simple or double conversion. (If you can ask more experienced people in the area if they have problems of frequencies. And if you need to take precautions with high-quality receivers.) Servos. 2-4 9 gram servos. As its first aircraft, do not deal that is of quality. And the China manufacturing servos will do the job. Plane. Make it simple to build preference or type ARF. Whether for a beginner, without fins. High-wing, very surface and light weight. In this segment there are many models. And later I'll have a list and the necessary components. The aircraft model identify missing components. Battery, motor, ESC, charger and accessories. When selecting the battery, do not ever buy a lipo battery. Unless you are aware and willing to learn and follow all instructions and warnings that lead. Lipo batteries are very dangerous and can cause a disaster in the hands of a beginner or an expert slothful, to ignore the safety measures that exist for them. Remember. Before you buy Plane. Get a person to advise on the selection of components, assembly, testing and verification. And of course in learning to fly. As an example. See the first video from You Tube bar.

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What everyone should know,

What everyone should know, About Electric Aircraft. is very common to hear the disdain for electric airplanes. referring to them as toys. And yes, they are toys. But worth keeping an RESPECT. On and Off. First turn on the radio with the throttle stick all the way down. After connecting the battery. To turn off the radio. First disconnect the battery and then turn off the radio. Should never leave the battery connected, (Even when the ESC with Switch.) The ESC may receive a signal and the battery connected you can start the engine., When you turn on the radio and with full throttle and battery can be connected to the throttle. ESC bring some protection to avoid this. But being at full throttle, in most work on and no protection. ESC. The battery connector is marked. Red for positive and Black for negative. Can not be changed. Reversing the polarity will cause a fire. If you want to change the rotation of the engine. Then reverse two of the 3 motor wires. Battery. There are several types of batteries. But the most dangerous are the LIPO. We must follow all directions for use. Especially when charged and discharged. These batteries are not for beginners in Electricity. Any neglect them and can cause an explosion and fire. Propellers. The propellers are the most dangerous objects of RC aircraft. Power. Always balance it and trim the edges. The SF has a very low rpm limit. 60.000 / 65.000 diameter for GWS and / diameter for APC. Prop Saver. This device, to protect the propeller only serve up to 150 watts. Then it is very dangerous to use.

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security warnings. ESC and BEC

security warnings. radio models controlled are not any toy. Its construction and its use requires technical expertise, careful construction, as well as discipline and sense of responsibility. Mistakes or carelessness in building and flying can lead to injury or property damage. Paragraph in the manual Multiplex Funjet. Please. Be aware that an RC Airplane is not a juguetey if assembled incorrectly, this is capable of causing severe damage to persons or property. When you fly an RC model you assume all risks and responsibility. If you have not flown this type of model before, we recommend you seek assistance from an experienced pilot. Paragraph DW foamies manual. Check before each takeoff the engine and propeller are subjected, especially after transporting, hard landings and after a fall. Also check before every flight the wings are secure and well positioned in the fuselage. Connect the battery when the transmitter is on and you are sure that the control element for the engine is off. Do not reach in the immediate area of \u200b\u200bthe propeller when the plane is about to take off. Well clear of the propeller disc, and ask spectators to stay back Among the flights to be carefully check the temperature of the engine finger and allow the engine to cool before taking off again. The temperature is correct, if you can touch without any problem. Especially in the case of very high ambient temperatures. This can take up to 15 minutes. Remember not to fly towards people. Fly responsibly! Making flying low over the heads of people is not a demonstration of skill. The truly skilled, do not take that shit. Call attention to other drivers, for the good of all, if you behave this way. Always fly so as not to endanger or to you or others. Remember that even the most sophisticated RC may be affected by outside interference. Have been free of accidents during , is no guarantee for the next minute. Paragraph in the manual Multiplex Funjet. Attention! You should always swap the cables between the controller and the motor, not between the batteries and controller. (The result would be a defective controller!) Connect the battery cables, only if your transmitter is on and has found that the controller that controls the throttle channel is turned off or idling. Care, including engines and propellers of small size, it can be seriously injured! Safety is the first commandment of model airplanes. Liability insurance is required. (In Mexico this is not necessary because the liability is not properly legislated) to keep your models and the station in excellent condition. Learn about the correct charging of the batteries you use use the most logical security measures available. Paragraph in the manual Multiplex Funjet.

Friday, December 4, 2009

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ESC. (Electronic, Speed \u200b\u200bController. Or electronic speed control.) This device can be considered as the throttle servo. And we will provide voltage to the motor in proportion to throttle stick movement.

Unlike a simple servo. This has various functions such as BEC, LVC, Balance, Brake, and is built specially for the type of motor brushes, or No Brushes, and its use is limited to a certain voltage , Amps, Servos, Speed \u200b\u200bSwitching (Maximum revolutions per minute) or switching frequency. All these feature is part of the manufacturer's specifications and we must pay close attention to them.

BEC.-batery Eliminator circuit. This circuit allows us to feed the flight pack with the same battery we feed the engine. In this way we save weight occupy only a battery. Most ESC only have this feature to a maximum of 3-4 servos and a voltage not exceeding 11V. The specification is in Amperes.

There are two types of BEC. The linear, is the standard in the ESC. And the most modern and expensive are Switching BEC.

shelves, reduce the battery voltage to a level appropriate to the receiver by simple devices, they produce much heat and consume much of the available amperage.

The higher the voltage, the lower the amperage remaining for the receiver.

Using Lipo 3s battery, and more than 3 servos, it is highly recommended verify that operation of BEC. Some believe that the easiest way is to connect everything and move the sticks either way (make sure the propeller is not placed on the motor) for 5 minutes and if the BEC circuit is not super hot, and if not to off, or has gone mad, then everything is in order.

understand that this method is very rustic but it works.

quality servos consume less power and poor quality or economic consume more.

A servo Hitec HS55 consumed as WXT900 450th and consumes about 750 ma.

The switching . With this is easier, as the specification amperes of the BEC is real to any voltage to support the ESC.

So if 3A is then you can move up to 6 servos with no problems, no matter what the voltage is 3 or 4 s lipo.

not take this into account and misuse of the BEC of ESC failure can occur in the air.

Since when overheated, can get turned off by the protection circuits, and receiver voltage will manage the functions of the receiver and the servos and the plane come down.

When the ESC's BEC is not sufficient to any particular application, then use a UBEC.

UBEC, also called Voltage Regulator

This device serves two purposes.

A .- replaces the BEC. The ESC. And we provide more amps, so much servos. It connects between the battery and receiver .

Normally a BEC ESC feeds only 3 or 4 servos to 7.4V. And 11V decreases only 3 servos.

With the use of UBEC, we can feed our engine with up to 23 Volts. And be responsible for supplying the receiver with single 5V or 6V. Depending on the selection by a switch.

can supply any type of servo. Including high ampere consumption

Just a matter of pairing the ability of the UBEC to the consumption of all equipment to feed.

Two. In any system can be installed between the battery and receiver. Especially when the battery is Lipo 7.4V. O 11V. In this way we save a lot of weight and increase the capacity of the battery . The majority bring protection to prevent the voltage drop of 3V .

has 2 connectors.

In the first 2 threads. It connects to the ESC battery connector.

Here you can put a connector, disassemble it easily.

In the second of 3 threads. It connects to the receiver.

Bec If the ESC is integrated, then the red wire going to the receiver is eliminated.

The most practical way is to remove the pin connector and insulate with termifit.

If the ESC does not have integrated Bec, then leave the cable red. Some, like the Phoenix HV ESC require that the red wire connected. And Bec have not built and occupied the voltage of% volts reached them through the receiver

's always the Red + Red UBEC to the Battery. And the UBEC Coffee Black or

At Black-on Battery .

examples from the site of Castle Creations,

and Himodel


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connecting two motors

Installation of two engines. Brushless To install two engines on an airplane, it is necessary to use 2 ESC. It is very difficult to get the installation of 2 motors controlled by just one. In practice I've only heard and not seen the installation of 2 EDF on a GWS A10. There are several ways to connect. But it is common to put a motor in each ESC, use a single battery for both motors and use only one of the BEC. This requires an extension of Y-shaped servo and install a point in the RX and the other two to each of the ESC., Cutting a red wire (positive) from one of the ESC. This will use the BEC of only one of the ESC. Note. When we cut, we mean to interrupt the connection. And that is achieved by releasing the positive terminal connector and isolate ESC in order not to short. Do not remove the connector terminal because the ESC would be useless for another application. Drawing. No.1 Sometimes you can put the two BEC in parallel and thus increases the ability to install more servo amps. To do this, the ESC should have linear BEC for any reason should be done with ESC with switching BEC, as these will be damaged. Drawing No.2

Thursday, December 3, 2009

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Foamies photos. EDF

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Jets EDF

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Photos Other Aircraft Photos