Saturday, December 4, 2010

Stockings, Suspenders Etc.

THE COMMITMENTS: a half-truth

The Commitments is one of the few modern films worth seeing, because the vast majority of the cinema of the past 20 years is rubbish rigorous . The story is about a guy who wants to mount a band. One of my favorite scenes is when they make a job interview to hire musicians and we get a guy a bit delayed:

INTERVIEWER: What do you play?
RESPONDENT I ... all I have on hand.

With the threshold of commitment in Texas Holdem Something similar happens. For those who do not know what this concept I will explain with my words for what I have in the convent, I shit inside. It is an idea deeply rooted anthropological. Zapatero will pursue this idea one and a half that remains, in all its aspects and especially in the regulation of online gambling, where instead of imitating the English model sustainable in the long term, the French model applied to catch everything I can as soon as possible, although the system is loaded.

is said, by the book, we are committed when we've got at least 1 / 3 of our stack in the pot, and have a decent hand, so we end up is more cost effective all-in to retire. That is, it must simultaneously make 2 assumptions (set intersection).

The first mistake is that people do not remember the second condition of committed, and are left only with the easy: 1 / 3 of the stack.

The second mistake is not realizing that those two premises are qualitative rather than a transposition of a mathematical equation: the EV. That is, we get committed if and only if the EV of our movement is positive. The corollary of this is that there may be situations where we left 1BB in the stack and fold is correct (though they pay for the information to know your exact hand.)

But look a much more common and more punitive to our ATM: 3beta boats. We often hear: " 3beta is a boat, I have TPTK, then I get committed" . This is probably the phrase losing money I've seen in a long time. Input, because in a pot 3beta, playing 100bb, we got 1 / 3 of the stack. The fact is that even having gone 1 / 3 of the stack do you really think it's worth paying your all-in raise your CBET? Do not you think you should look out where the guy has the agg of an amoeba and a frigid WTSD in Lapland?

It is not just forget about the stats of the villain, is also forgotten that postflop ranges are polarized, which makes you almost never actually Committed in that spot, as usual will be a 90/10 or a 80/20 most of the time. Being just committed or is being committed, as we see is only a matter of EV.

A similar situation occurs in river. We have 30 bb filthy, we have already in the pot to the core, and the villain, who has an amoeba agg filiforme, and to be napping SD only 21% of the time, remains committed invite you to push it around. The boat is 140bb, and then we come to mind words like " Well, you caught a bluff April 1 times or 5 times, or every 6 times ... and pay me profitable." Review your database, and look at those spots: the villain has lantern once every 100 yotta times (septillions). In general, any all-in on the river, less than 50bb, has no fold equity against good players, because the boat is at least 100bb, so apply the equation EV with 1% of lamps in the range the villain, to see what's out. Of course all these things have to qualify them as one of the players involved is a fishardo of Lake Titicaca.

In short, the conditions to be just committed are 3:

1. The SPR (ratio of stack effect on the size of the pot)
2. A hand worthy of the SPR.
3. The villain's stats.

This is not to bring anything new, but simply to remember "The first thing you forget me," the villain's stats are too many times more weight than the other parameters.


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