Thursday, September 9, 2010

Monica Gellers Engagement Ring


In an effort to contribute their bit to promote the safety culture computer crimes Telematics Group Civil Guard, has created a new section on its website https: / / of IT SECURITY ALERTS. Its aim is to read it as many Internet users, so that when faced with the crime, identify To know that, in addition to the Web are on Facebook: have created company profile (administration) in which each day on her wall publicized security alert that appears on the web.

The Civil Guard believes that it should be where they are citizens who are its raison d'etre. And citizens are social networking They will be there. They started with Facebook and will continue with other networks.

We encourage you to agree to your website and if we are on Facebook, add as friends. They also requested that we suggest your site to our friends and the more people read them, more people will be prevented from crime, less crime and ... will have less work!


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