Wednesday, September 29, 2010

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Pickets and the right to work using electronic mail

's 9 am. The unions announced with fanfare the successful general strike and the government jumps into the fray saying that there normally and are respecting the minimum services.

What I have seen first thing in the morning on the street has nothing to do with what they say Unions and Government. First, along the streets where I walked, I've noticed is that all the locks of the shops and offices were sealed with silicone . He also noted that no buses circulating, but there are many more people than a normal day, walking down the street to their jobs. I have seen many groups of workers on the doors of office and trying to remove the silicone of locks to get to work. But what most shocked and outraged me is to witness the attitude of a so-called informational picket, which, bullhorn in hand and defiant attitude , insulted, provoked and vexed to all citizens who at that time circulábamos the sidewalk.

Toxo Mendez and have filled his mouth saying that the informational picketing whose function is to ensure the right to strike. But after what I have seen, these pickets are intended to insult and coerce citizens to deprive them of their right to work. been used extensively for silicon deprive us of our right to work. Buses have been blocked to prevent the transport of workers .

So while the accused and information pickets, so coercive want to impose a strike absurd and meaningless, the vast majority of workers , besides being insulted, deprived of their right to work. By the way, the government, trying to placate his union friends , says there is normal and nothing happens here.

Lords of the unions, representatives of government, I'm going to be very clear: Get out the Heck, do not cheat us but let us and peace.

Monday, September 20, 2010

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by trade union representatives

In recent times, are proliferating news about grants and other perks received by the unions, as well as costs borne by companies to pay union released. In this context, and with the intention of adding fuel to the fire, I will discuss the recent decision of the Court, dated July 12 last, rejecting union claims, to use e-mail from a company to communicate with workers.

The company in question had a internal email system by which workers could communicate with each other, while allowing management to communicate with their employees. Faced with the denial that this email was used by union representatives, state CCOO section wrote to the HR director in which he demanded for recognition of their right to use computer resources of the company to address their constituents. The director replied saying he was willing to discuss the issue and that this had to do an assessment and analysis. Despite the answer, CCOO ignored and decided to use the system. In this situation, the company warned them in writing, reminding them that the use of these means was reserved strictly for professional use.
Then, representatives of the workers went to court and filed suit against the company for not allowing the use of internal mail and asked to declare:
  1. The obligation of the defendant company to facilitate and ensure the unions the peaceful use of media and software tools in the enterprise, for the exercise of union activity and labor among workers.
  2. The right of trade union representatives of workers to transmit information and news of interest related to their association and representative activity through computer resources used by the company.
  3. The right of trade union representatives of workers to use the E-mail or corporate email allowing real time without adversely affecting the business specific use.
  4. The right of union representatives by e-mail address using the address of the company to employees of the workforce and in particular to its members under the same conditions that the Department is directed to workers, facilitating these effects company union representatives generic distribution list containing all the emails of workers.
  5. And finally, the right of representatives union to have an exclusive space on the intranet as a union board and general association news of interest relating to his representative seeking to thereby create a password and user management as well as space permits for publication and publishing content.

The ruling means that, as regards the use of existing resources within the company and effective communication, but not required by law or agreements, or association created for a purpose, the question will be limits such use to be supported because, as with all rights, freedom of association is not an unlimited right. Among the constitutionally protected rights and that must be present to define its contents are, without doubt, the rights of employers and other property of an economic and business (STC 134/1994, of 9 May (RTC 1994, 134), F . 4).

The statement points out, first, that the right of trade unions, is justified only to convey information such trade union and labor, but considering the need to consider and deal with business interests in presence, impact the union use can have on the operation of the instrument of communication and collaboration requires the company to make it effective.

The doctrine of the Constitutional Court in which the ruling is based, includes the following conditions or restrictions:

a) The communication shall not disrupt normal business activity.

b) In the case of using an electronic means of communication, created as a tool of production, not the specific use may be impaired for the same business preordained, nor claimed that the interest should prevail union use

c) Finally, no foundation bearing the burden right business expressly required by the Ordinance, the use of non-business tool may result in additional charges to the employer, the assumption of significantly increased costs. Only if those limits are respected by the unions use is covered by art. 28-1 of the Constitution.

Applying these criteria leads the Court to the dismissal of the application for the following reasons:

  1. First, the system is not suitable for mass mailing (when the company uses this method of communication with customers to outsource the remission of them). This is a communication system designed for professionals who work with computer inside the company.
  2. The expert report which was ratified in the act of the trial, shows that the use of means of electronic mail or the intranet is added cost to the company both in relation to the space required for transmission over the network as its securizacón (backup) or storage, as well as the need to assign staff for management and maintenance.

In conclusion, credited the above circumstances, rejecting the claim because the negative corporate union representatives using modern information technology as a means of communication with its members and the other workers is based, to be its use disturbing, disruptive and costly.

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I saw a report by Panda Security data giving a significant : "69% of employees working in SMEs , use Facebook during office hours work ". The workers and even owners of these companies say they use this network to perform actions of marketing, public relations practice, research or competitive intelligence.

However, despite these advantages Facebook is the main culprit of serious problems:

  • the privacy and economic losses: 39% of companies say they have suffered economic losses malware infections and more than a third of these, estimated losses at more than 4,500 €.

  • Lost productivity of employees: 60% of companies surveyed acknowledge that their employees lower productivity to lose a lot of time surfing Facebook private or personal purposes

  • Fall of network performance: 29% said suffering from problems in the use of the network led to their servers become saturated, it blocked or losing speed.

  • reputation of the company: 49% of companies said that having problems with his reputation, comments or statements derived from their uncontrolled workers.

These data as significant necessarily going to force companies to minimize the risks of social networks and more specifically Facebook which is the most used. It is therefore necessary to establish a policy governing the use of the network, instructing all employees and educating them about the benefits and risks.

be laid down parallel restrictions on the network that pass through the prohibition of downloading and installing applications not authorized by the company, restrict or block access to popular sites, security mechanisms to prevent malware and Finally regular employees or to determine authorized to make statements on the network to pursue the appropriate unit of message and avoid inappropriate content .

Interestingly, despite the few advantages and many risks, few propiatarios of SMEs that decide to implement an appropriate security policy.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Liver Problems In Guineapigs


only been 65 days since the introduction of the new Delinquency Act (Official Gazette of July 6) and the illusion that it had already been ruined. At the time of its publication I said great! I will not have to continue anticipating the tax bills they owe me the municipalities, because in 55 days as the deadline to mark this Act (30 days from 2013), I will pay. But the harsh reality has been imposed, the municipalities have passed this new law by the "triumphal arch" and stops here nothing.

addition, it is failing is clearly no additional provision 4 th, which reads: "The Government, within 30 days, through the Instituto de Credito Oficial (ICO), will implement a line of direct credit on preferential terms, directed to Local Authorities to facilitate the payment of debts and unpaid strong and independent companies prior to April 30, 2010. "

As with this new law so that companies can remain anonymous, business organizations may take action against delinquent public bodies on behalf of the company creditor, I was tempted to start the procedure of urgency, but the City Council knows, and gives a notice to mariners, "darling you know that this demand is for your company and you out of the contract."

Clearly therefore there is no willingness to enforce the law, especially when there are obvious problems with the authorities liquidity, leading to using the default as a form of self-financing. Furthermore, no instrument meanwhile strict punishment regime, which is still pending and in the meantime the Courts of Administrative Litigation responsible for resolving these disputes, still with many delays, bad things to paint tiny companies like mine, the day 30 of each month have to pay the salaries of such employees working for local councils and they also have to anticipate VAT on invoices, and that the tax does not forgive.

Conclusion: With or without laws, the Administration will continue to do what they please. But darling if we were the citizens who violated these laws, we would fall on the beam withering of the law

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In an effort to contribute their bit to promote the safety culture computer crimes Telematics Group Civil Guard, has created a new section on its website https: / / of IT SECURITY ALERTS. Its aim is to read it as many Internet users, so that when faced with the crime, identify To know that, in addition to the Web are on Facebook: have created company profile (administration) in which each day on her wall publicized security alert that appears on the web.

The Civil Guard believes that it should be where they are citizens who are its raison d'etre. And citizens are social networking They will be there. They started with Facebook and will continue with other networks.

We encourage you to agree to your website and if we are on Facebook, add as friends. They also requested that we suggest your site to our friends and the more people read them, more people will be prevented from crime, less crime and ... will have less work!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Can You Chop Chicken In Food Processor


The news I found today in the expansion, here's the link:
neither Tiger Woods nor Phil Ivey, but the great charioteer Diocles.