her transport bell rang. It is known that on the boards of departments, is a law that the last-come, must come down to open the next. John knew that touched him, but made no move. I had the strange feeling that night something would go wrong. And he would not do anything. Just stay, so as not to tempt fate to commit any unforeseen.
hands But all I said. I knew it was imminent the claim, and also fair. He took the keys and said, "is very likely that I will take something more than expected, I know that something is about to happen, and it is very strange to be sure it will be now.
reached the door of the elevator. He felt the call button is lit before I could press, and in three seconds he had the lift in front. The second bars door was open. Normally, it should be. He doubted whether raised or not. This is what touched him, it was time. -Use the stairs could be worse, "he said.
Once inside, closed the two doors and pressed zero. The elevator began to move slowly, like a train that is picking up speed. I looked at the numbers drawn in passing between floors. But then there was zero more doors, or numbers. While still falling faster and faster.
The land was beginning to see go to darker, until after a few minutes, a black remained constant. John was in shock, I could not scream or call for help. He curled in a corner, because I was doing the cold was unbearable. He pressed himself so strong, I felt pain, fatigue. In half an hour the temperature had dropped so much. It must have been exhausted and all that had taken ended asleep. Asleep while traveling at speeds impossible to calculate.
When he awoke, he was all sweaty. The wet clothes had stuck to his body, and the bars of the gate could not touch, they were boiling. The ground outside was no longer black, was red. The oppressive heat, and John was so weak that he could not even stand. I was thirsty, lots. I wanted to wring his shirt soaked through and drink from his own perspiration. But he could not. The speed with which he was riding the elevator was incredible, and it was very difficult to move. Spent just a few minutes until decompensation, in the same corner, not moving.
This time the dream was longer. He even had nightmares. John looked like a corpse, he looked awful. I came to dream that the elevator stopped, and he could not wake up, and found it gave him for dead. He could not scream I was alive. Wanted to, but was very weak, unable to speak or move.
The elevator began to slow, slowly. John opened his eyes with much effort, and saw that the earth was black again. He grabbed one of the side rails and managed to stand. Everything indicated that he was a halt, you could see traces of cement between the earth and the speed it was almost zero. She looked in the mirror, "If it was not me that look, I'd say I'm dead. Behind his reflection, he saw that the door began to appear. When turned to face him, the elevator stopped. He heard voices outside, but it was impossible to decipher what they said. With the little strength he had left, opened the gate. The second door was opened from the outside.
There were about ten people waiting. All eyes were slanted, were Oriental. And stared. He assumed it was for his appearance. There was an eternal silence, do not know what to say, I was tired and could not think. He made a step forward, wanted out of the elevator as soon as possible. Took a deep breath and slowly said, "Excuse
. I know that once I learned to say "hello" in Japanese, but the truth is I can not remember. Know apologize, but I have some trouble. My friend must be waiting a while you open the door. Retrieved the keys from his pocket, and he was about to pass through the shield, turned quickly. "Excuse me, if they go across the planet could you tell the 12" A "we're well? How? Sure, if yes, do not speak English. I understand, I understand. He said goodbye gesturing Kung Fu master and opened the door to his friend. "Go crazy, we are making something up.