I was meditating to optimize performance against fishes only with lovebirds make cold call to setmining and I wondered how many flops they will not have any cards Broadway ( letters greater than or equal to the jack). From the outset, to be 4 and 9 do not Broadways Broadways, suggests that there will be no Broadways many flops, but the words are vocis flatus and things need to quantify for, strictly speaking, the result is that you have in the tree:
prob they leave 3 B. ..................... 2.5%
that prob go 2 B. ..................... 19.5%
prob you leave 1 B. ......... 45.6% .................
prob that does not leave any B. ....... 32.3%
prob they leave at least 2B ...... 22 , 1%
Let everyone who wants to draw conclusions. I've thought of some spots:
spot1: open to steal with a generous range, the villain 3betea with premium and Poquet pairs, while calls with our range broadways to dominate weak.
spot2: go up early, a villain follower of the sect makes outplayed an abuse of the call from CO and BU when the blinds are passive. If only for setmining Callea (and flops lantern in rags), it will be very difficult in many flops that will never know if your set goes down, so that necessarily must include the Broadways and suited connectors to hide the range if you really want outplayed. In the following case is this seen more clearly.
spot3: very similar to the above but simplified. The only villain calls with pp and Broadways (many fishes spend this joke math), and 3betea QQ +, AK. Let it considers Broadway from ten. This gives a range of 10.9 to "Broadways" and 4.5 pp between 22 and JJ, that is, only 29% of its range brings possible sets. So you have two options: either do as the spot 2 sc adds or removes the worst "Broadways" so that it is half in and half percentage points in high cards. But even removing the tens, and keeping the ones faced cards, their call is only going to link it flops 12.1% of dry and 994, when the flop brings a high card as acceptable K94 will link hands many times, 23.8%, but many of them (19%, almost all) are dominated top pair with a kicker. And this sort abound flops (flops with Broadway have 45.6%, ie half the time).
SPOT4: ever has crossed his mind no ip AA 4betear to "trap" if the villain's stats with it. The problem we have is that as we have seen emerging in the Broadways many flops, so you almost never know if the villain has played a set with his JJ, QQ, KK which will make us lose the case against his sets and throw the boat not get anything when not cruising (only win when struck by A and link your AK-flops but these will be few, by the removal of our AA card, or when the flop is in rags and he has QQ, KK). If the call we did with KK is further aggravated the problem. So once again, always speaking in general terms, it 4betear the premium and add many hands rather than narrow the range of 4bet. Simply put: due to the polarization of ranks as they move to the streets, all the QQ, KK who were willing to go all-in preflop postflop will be deselected.
prob they leave 3 B. ..................... 2.5%
that prob go 2 B. ..................... 19.5%
prob you leave 1 B. ......... 45.6% .................
prob that does not leave any B. ....... 32.3%
And for special cases:
prob you leave at least 67.7% ......... 1B
prob they leave at least 2B ...... 22 , 1%
Let everyone who wants to draw conclusions. I've thought of some spots:
spot1: open to steal with a generous range, the villain 3betea with premium and Poquet pairs, while calls with our range broadways to dominate weak.
spot2: go up early, a villain follower of the sect makes outplayed an abuse of the call from CO and BU when the blinds are passive. If only for setmining Callea (and flops lantern in rags), it will be very difficult in many flops that will never know if your set goes down, so that necessarily must include the Broadways and suited connectors to hide the range if you really want outplayed. In the following case is this seen more clearly.
spot3: very similar to the above but simplified. The only villain calls with pp and Broadways (many fishes spend this joke math), and 3betea QQ +, AK. Let it considers Broadway from ten. This gives a range of 10.9 to "Broadways" and 4.5 pp between 22 and JJ, that is, only 29% of its range brings possible sets. So you have two options: either do as the spot 2 sc adds or removes the worst "Broadways" so that it is half in and half percentage points in high cards. But even removing the tens, and keeping the ones faced cards, their call is only going to link it flops 12.1% of dry and 994, when the flop brings a high card as acceptable K94 will link hands many times, 23.8%, but many of them (19%, almost all) are dominated top pair with a kicker. And this sort abound flops (flops with Broadway have 45.6%, ie half the time).
SPOT4: ever has crossed his mind no ip AA 4betear to "trap" if the villain's stats with it. The problem we have is that as we have seen emerging in the Broadways many flops, so you almost never know if the villain has played a set with his JJ, QQ, KK which will make us lose the case against his sets and throw the boat not get anything when not cruising (only win when struck by A and link your AK-flops but these will be few, by the removal of our AA card, or when the flop is in rags and he has QQ, KK). If the call we did with KK is further aggravated the problem. So once again, always speaking in general terms, it 4betear the premium and add many hands rather than narrow the range of 4bet. Simply put: due to the polarization of ranks as they move to the streets, all the QQ, KK who were willing to go all-in preflop postflop will be deselected.